

🕑 Last online: 3 hours ago


🕝 Last online 3 hours ago

34 years old, Dom, Straight
Germany Germany
Joined Sep 27

🏷 No profile tags

Bullmaster has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat
Findom, Humiliation, Piss, Bondage, Edging
About Me
Mostly into the psychological side of findom/ domination in general. I love it as a way of putting pressure on people, seeing how far I can go and playing with their anxiety, regret all while knowing it gives them pleasure. A fun past time for me. Also very into the humiliation on a "mans" face when he gets dominated.
What I want
I want to use your mind as a playground.
What experience do you have?
Met a guy who opened up to me and about his findom fetish when he was d***k. It sounded fun, so I decided to give him what he wanted. Let's just say we both learned a lot from it and it made me want to do it more. When I found this site I knew I this is the place for me.

6' 1.2" / 186cm
> 275lb / 125kg
Foot size
12 UK / 47  EU /  13 US
Eye colour
Bullmaster's stable

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Pantheon Points

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