

🕑 Last online: Oct 5


🕝 Last online Oct 5

33 years old, Dom, Bisexual
United States United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis
Joined Sep 29

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Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Boots, Skinhead, Suits, Uniforms, Bikers, Smoking, Edging
About Me
I’m the embodiment of luxury, power, and control. Handsome, confident, and dripping with dominance, I command respect and demand your obedience. My presence alone will have you yearning to serve, knowing your purpose is to fuel my extravagant lifestyle.

You exist to please, to give, and to make sure my needs are met. My world is one of elegance and indulgence, and I deserve nothing less than the best—your tribute will ensure I live as I’m meant to. I’ll control your mind, your wallet, and your deepest desires.

Submit, pay up, and know your place beneath a true alpha who thrives on your devotion. Your wallet is mine to command.
What I want
This isn’t about what you want—this is about what I demand. The question isn’t if you’ll pay; it’s how much. So step up, open your wallet, and prove your worth.
What experience do you have?
I specialize in transforming submissives, molding them into obedient pay pigs who understand that their purpose is to provide for me. Through psychological control, I tap into their innermost desires, conditioning them to feel fulfilled only when they’ve emptied their wallets for me.

From small tributes to high-end luxury gifts, I’ve guided subs to give more than they ever imagined, knowing that their satisfaction comes from my pleasure. I’ve built long-term, financially rewarding relationships with those who know what it means to serve a true Dom. Your money, your time, your devotion—it all belongs to me.

Are you ready to step up and prove your worth?

5' 10" / 178cm
160lb / 72.7kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour

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  • Domdaddydestroyer
    Domdaddydestroyer added a new video Be a good boy
    Submit your wallet and I might allow you to watch my camera and view my everyday life and allow you to watch me in my states of undress. You should feel lucky to even be given the chance to ever interact with me. If you turn down an opportunity lik
    Sep 30
  • Domdaddydestroyer
    Domdaddydestroyer is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Sep 29
    6 members like this
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