

🕑 Last online: Aug 12


🕝 Last online Aug 12

39 years old, sub, Gay
United States United States, South, Austin
Joined Aug 9

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  • Lookingtolearn
    Lookingtolearn voted on yowslave89's poll
    How clever do you thing are the slaves?
    (5 votes 11%)
    They are clever but they act silly
    (20 votes 43%)
    Very clever
    (11 votes 23%)
    They are by nature low IQ beings and what little brain they got belong to their master
    (11 votes 23%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 47
    Aug 9
    Aug 9
    asked that way; subs are very clever obviously as for dominants, depends who, what he does, does not, behave, say or do not say. same answer for both roles as it's not the role but his personality & behaviour that makes him clever.
    Aug 9
    Subs are smart enough to know I should make decisions for them
    Aug 9
    subs are also smart enough to see who is a real dom & who is a guy who's just looking for money.
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  • Lookingtolearn
    Lookingtolearn commented on them being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Aug 9
    7 members like this
    Aug 9
    it is!
    Aug 9
    Good boy, one of my favorite places to visit. A place of sacrifice and rituals.
    Aug 9
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  • Lookingtolearn
    Lookingtolearn created a new blog post
    Burgeoning sub married to a DL(?) dom
    We have been together nearly 4 years. Great relationship/sex life. Sex from the start was and still is me always bottoming. To which I have no complai...
    Aug 9
    Aug 9
    I have seen it happen. But it’s rare. In the cases where I’ve seen it succeed, the sub was direct and honest about his needs, and the partner loved him enough to explore, ultimately discovering the nascent dominance the sub recognized. I fear subtlety is unlikely to achieve much, even as I recognize that directness risks losing much. Successful D/s relationships almost always require great risk.I have seen it happen. But it’s rare. In the cases where I’ve seen it succeed, the sub was direct and honest about his needs, and the partner loved him enough to explore, ultimately discovering the na...See more
    Aug 9
    everyone's different, I would say, whatever the action; do only what you feel good with, don't when you don't feel good about it & definitely talk together about whatever you want like, dislike, look for or want. No idea what's a dl dom though. take care, keep on loving each other & have fun😊😇💋everyone's different, I would say, whatever the action; do only what you feel good with, don't when you don't feel good about it & definitely talk together about whatever you want like, dislike, look ...See more
    Aug 9
    Good advice up there. When I’ve been in more vanilla relationships I’m sat down with the other and asked them what their fantasies, and interest were sexually. What is their biggest fantasy, what was the hottest thing, and to ask them to show me some of their fav porn. It created a window to discuss what I wanted and combining it with the things they liked and it was a smoother introduction to things and as time went on things got more intense. What ever happens honesty is key.Good advice up there. When I’ve been in more vanilla relationships I’m sat down with the other and asked them what their fantasies, and interest were sexually. What is their biggest fantasy, what was ...See more
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