An Intetesting Question from SirSadist's blog

I was recently asked by someone if I hated faggots. The short answer is 'no'. However, it's an answer that can't be answered simply and so I decided to post the more correct explanation here.

In my philosophy, I see humanity (and I use that term loosely is divided into four basic ranks; Men, Women, faggots, and Others. As with any such labeling system there are in-between distinctions that can be made, of course, but as I'm trying to keep this fairly short I'll stick to these four ranks.

RANK ONE: It is probably no surprise that those Masters on this site fall into this rank. In essence it is the rank containing all dominant, superior males. Rank one men are confident in their own natural superiority, live by their own unique principles, and don't really give a damn what anyone else thinks about that fact. If something gratifies or benefits a rank one man, he does not hesitate in taking it and using it in whatever way he chooses with no thought of regret.

RANK TWO: In this level I place superior females. Rank two women are, in ways, similar to rank one males with one exception; no matter their own power they understand that they rank below a superior male and behave accordingly. Due to the nature of this site there is little reason to waste much time discussing this rank.

RANK THREE: This is the rank where I place faggots. I am definitely not speaking about gay men in general (see below) but those gay males who have learned, or can be taught, to accept and embrace their position in the scheme of things; namely to be used as the toys of rank one men. Faggots crave the attention of real men and are more than willing to do anything required of them to serve such superior beings. A faggot will accept and surrender to any mental, emotional, psychological, physical, use or a***e that a rank one male subjects them to, and gladly surrender all they are and all they have to ensure such use and a***e continues. A faggot seeks absolutely nothing in return, not even a kind word, because they realize that their entire self-worth is nothing but a shadow based upon its usefulness to the man it serves.

RANK FOUR: Here is the rank of the general, societal mob. Though members, both male and female, gay and straight, compose the majority of the population they are still the lowest members of the human race. Those in rank four believe in ideals that do not, and never will, exist. They are delusional in the fact that just because they think as one and act as one that they that somehow makes them not only right but makes the rank one, two, and three members wrong. This is the rank of the common denominator which either denies or tries to stamp out any deviation from the so-called 'norm'. Those in rank four have lives that are an illusion because they usually spend most of their time sticking their noses into the lives of the ranks above them and therefore don't really live themselves. They are narrow-minded, judgmental, and think they are the top of the heap because the climb on the backs of others out of fear of standing on their own two feet. There are some good, decent people stuck in rank four, but they hide in the shadows from fear of being seen as different in any way. Most gay males fall in this rank because, in my experience, they are the most pretentious and self-righteous of the lot, followed by those that label themselves the religious right.

Now, to return to the original point, no, I don't 'hate' faggots. I save my hate for those in rank four. Don't make the mistake though that I 'like' faggots. When it comes to faggots it is safe to say that my attitude is one of begrudging respect due to the fact that they understand who and what they are and accept the role they were meant to fulfill. In other words, faggots are useful, and provide us rank one men a canvas to use and a***e for our own benefit and enjoyment. And, as our inferiors, faggots willingly submit to the heavy prices we demand of them for the sheer pleasure of being allowed to serve in their assigned capacities. I can't hate a creature that is willing to submit to me on every level and provides such an entertaining outlet for all of my controlling, abusive, violent, kinky, and perverse desires.

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