

🕑 Last online: Mar 23


🕝 Last online Mar 23

31 years old, sub, Curious
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Mar 5

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  • Davey101
    Davey101 voted on Slave's poll
    Recently, Maskedmasterbe described the service of a sub as 'Primal'. Is he right? Is what we do primal, our ancestors calling us home? Or is it chemistry, or upbringing, or seeking love or tips?
    PRIMAL - Some men were born to serve, some men born to be served. It's a structure of society.
    (10 votes 42%)
    CHEMICAL - The brain is biologically wired to be dominant or submissive in varying degrees..
    (4 votes 17%)
    UPBRINGING - Moments and incidents from the past dictate how we behave.
    (8 votes 33%)
    GRATIFICATION - I love tips, giving them, receiving them, it's just an enriching pleasure.
    (2 votes 8%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 24
    Mar 6
    Mar 6
    I think there's a mix, although primal instinct is the main core. Experience in life help model and create the path for special kinks, but overall being sub or Dom is essentially primal.
    Mar 6
    I agree 100% with Sir Eblus saying about primal instinct.
    But precisely it’s instinct. Not about the structure of society. And this is way this helpless leftie minded fag couldn’t choose option 1.
    However I embrace my place in the food chain and not saying all men are equal. That’s BS. But the “structure of society” is not about the reproduction of those inequalities. And this is why in the last 50 or 60 years our old European societies have move forward in reducing them.
    I agree 100% with Sir Eblus saying about primal instinct.
    But precisely it’s instinct. Not about the structure of society. And this is way this helpless leftie minded fag couldn’t choose optio...See more
    Mar 6
    Note: the message just above was written without sniffing “leather cleaners”. Whenever my owner will put the small bottle at my nostrils in the next few days I will probably write something completely different. 😂😂
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  • Davey101
    Davey101 span the Roulette wheel

    30 Tips (ÂŁ3.00)

    Sent to masterzal
    Mar 5
  • Davey101
    Davey101 span the Roulette wheel
    Mar 5
  • Davey101
    Davey101 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Mar 5
    Phranklin likes this
    Mar 5
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