

🕑 Last online: Mar 30


🕝 Last online Mar 30

46 years old, Dom, Gay
United States United States, NV, Reno
Joined Mar 19

🏷 master daddy sadist pup trainer dd/lb

Sir89503 has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Here for
Physical Use, Ownership
Sir89503's stable

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Pantheon Points

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  • Sir89503
    Looking for a true sub to be my house slave. No need to work, insurance will be covered. The catch is, it needs to be a masochist and slave at heart, and willing to accept I am Poz. Service is what is most important and my methods are reward and punishment. I am not for newbies, but if you want to take that jump into S/m then it is welcome to interview. Life will have a lot of downtime and be boring while locked up. No tech, no life except for service to me. I believe in being safe and sane, but at the same time I take what I want.

    No obese pigs. Slave does not have to be thin or completely hwp. Slave must be US citizen, and free of legal issues. The slave must submit of its own free will and make its way to Northern Nevada to submit for a life of service. If trial is needed, I can negotiate moving once trial is complete.

    telegram - Sir89503
    Mar 19
    wannabenutted1 likes this
  • Sir89503
    Sir89503 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Mar 19
    servus and subjeffie like this
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