Maskedmasterbe's blog

"Bound by Desire: The Tale of Sir Masked"

Sir Masked was an experienced, trained Leather Master who exuded power and allure. Clad in tight black leather pants and shirt, powerful boots, and thick strong leather gloves, he commanded attention effortlessly.

His reputation was legendary among those seeking fulfillment through obedience and financial tribute. Sir Masked wasn't just any dominator; he was a true Leather Master, a figure of authority and refinement, capable of commanding obedience and draining the wallets of those eager to serve.

His presence in certain communities and scenes was nothing short of iconic. His Twitter page was a visual feast, filled with videos and pictures that showcased the allure of leather, the intoxicating pleasure it offered, and the undeniable power of the Master. This enticing content drew men in like moths to a flame, leaving them spellbound and yearning for more. Alongside this, he wrote and published compelling stories online—tales of control and power that captivated and consumed his submissive readers.

Each of Sir Masked's stories was meticulously crafted, a potent brew of desires and fantasies that left readers yearning for more. His email inbox was perpetually overflowing with messages from devoted followers, desperate to prove their loyalty and gain his acknowledgment.

One email, in particular, caught his attention. It was from Jamy, a man nearing his fifties who confessed his uncontrollable desire to submit. Jamy led a secluded life, working at a car rental office. His nights were consumed by Sir Masked's stories, the ultimate trigger for his arousal. He admitted to feeling incomplete, aimless, and found himself irresistibly drawn to the Leather Master's unmatched authority.

"I want to be owned by you, Sir," Jamy wrote. "Your stories are my escape and my reality. Please, let me serve you as your loyal cash slave."

Sir Masked replied curtly, "I appreciate your devotion, Jamy. But first, show me how worthy you truly are."

Jamy's elation knew no bounds when he received a reply. A series of emails ensued, with Sir Masked assessing Jamy's sincerity and potential. He harshly confronted Jamy with the reality of his insignificance and his desire to serve a strong Leather Master.

"You need to become useful, Jamy," Sir Masked wrote with calculated cruelty, making Jamy realize that true fulfillment lay in absolute obedience.

Jamy was ordered to edge himself but not to climax, a command that left him desperate and panting for release. Days turned into torment as Sir Masked toyed with Jamy's arousal, never allowing satisfaction. This cycle deepened Jamy's longing to please his Leather Master.

Eventually, Sir Masked set a true test. "If you want to prove your worth, send me a $30 gift on Master's Throne page," he commanded, knowing full well that this was just the beginning. Jamy hesitated, but the small amount felt like a significant sacrifice. Failing the challenge, Sir Masked cut off communication abruptly: "I have no use for useless slaves like you."

Desperation gnawed at Jamy. Unable to resist Sir Masked's power, he soon sent the $30 along with an apologetic message begging for another chance.

Sir Masked laughed, relishing Jamy's obedience. After a deliberate delay, he accepted the tribute. "Good, you've shown a glimpse of your worth. Now the real work begins."

Under Sir Masked's watchful eye, Jamy's life transformed. He was instructed to purchase a chastity device, locking away his desire and relinquishing control completely. Weekends became "worshiping weekends," where Jamy edged frantically, frustrated by his confinement, finding solace only in sending money to his Leather Master.

Over time, Jamy's servitude deepened. He signed a contract solidifying his role as Sir Masked's slave, a binding document of relentless devotion and financial service in exchange for the pleasure and purpose only Sir Masked could provide. Every Skype session, each sighting of his Master in full leather, was another opportunity for Jamy to demonstrate his devotion and yes through wallet.

Sir Masked reveled in his control over Jamy and many others like him. He respected their willingness to sacrifice, finding pleasure in their servitude. For them, service and obedience were paths to true fulfillment.

The Leather Master's dominion continued to grow, his stories and commands binding more souls into service. Each step deepened the intoxicating blend of pleasure, obedience, and reward. For Sir Masked, dominance wasn't about the money, but the unwavering control, the knowledge that he was the center of their world.

To those lurking in the shadows, unsure of their place, he left a tantalizing promise: "If you are truly worthy, come forth. Let your journey of obedience and sacrifice begin. For in serving me, you will find your purpose."


How to Please a real FindDom

Let Me remind You the ways to please a Findom Cashmaster.

First and foremost, offering tribute payments is a foundational element. These can take the form of cash, gifts, or sending Tip here. A Cashmaster typically expects regular tributes to maintain their interest and dominance over you.

Engaging in humiliation and degradation play is another avenue. This can involve begging for the Cashmaster's attention, apologizing profusely for not sending enough money, or expressing your unworthiness compared to them.

A more involved step would be providing the Cashmaster with access to your personal financial information. This demonstrates your obedience and willingness to give the Cashmaster control over your finances.

Participating in exclusive paid content is also a way to serve a Cashmaster. This might include purchasing personalized videos, worn clothing, or engaging in private online sessions where you can serve and worship them.

Expressing your devotion and admiration is key. This means complimenting the Cashmaster on their wealth, power, and lifestyle, as well as praising their extravagant spending and possessions.

Lastly, embracing a submissive mindset is crucial. This means putting the Cashmaster's desires before your own, and demonstrating your willingness to sacrifice for their pleasure.

The key is to creatively find ways to financially and emotionally serve the Cashmaster's ego and enhance their sense of financial domination over you.

Alpha Masters posses personality traits and characteristics that ...

Being on top of the pantheon for the moment I identified key traits which are commonly found among the top-tier  Alpha Masters.

What do you believe is are most important ? And comment with all key traits and characteristics you believe should be on the this list.


1.      Confidence: Exuding unwavering Self-assurance in His dominance and worth.

2.      Empathy:  Understanding the subs' needs and desires, creating a fulfilling and emotionally connection.

3.      Discipline: An Alpha Master should exhibit discipline in his personal life, but also maintains boundaries and ensures a healthy dynamic with His subs.

4.      Creativity: Creativity involves thinking outside the box to create unique and engaging experiences.

5.      Charisma: Charisma is the magnetic presence that commands sub’s attention and respect.

6.      Intelligence: Intelligence involves emotional intelligence, and the ability to understand and tailor experiences to the complexities of subs.

7.      Resilience: Maintaining motivation and dominance despite challenges like setbacks or criticism.

What is being a "good boy" really means ?



Those two words follow the tribute you made to your Master. But what does it mean to be a "good boy" for your Master?


1. Understanding and Accepting Your True Place and Purpose

A good boy not only claims he is a sub but also accepts and embraces that role fully. A good boy understands and accepts who he is and his place in life, embracing it entirely. obedience is not just for moments of specific urges but is a constant state of being.

2. Communicate Respectfully

Effective communication is key. Always communicate respectfully, whether you have doubts or wish to serve better. In a sound D/s relationship, there must always be room for honest and open communication. A true Master creates a safe space filled with trust. While Master might not agree with everything you communicate, such interactions enable the relationship to grow. Learning to communicate ensures you remain a "good boy."

3. Understand the Meaning of a Tribute

 What is a Tribute Not?

 * It is not an indulgence. Sending a tribute does not make bad behavior go away.

 * It is not a payment for a session, service, or even Master's time.


What is a Tribute ?

* You tribute to please your Master.

* You tribute because you are well-aware that your cash belongs in your Master’s wallet.

* You tribute for Master's needs, which are more important than your own.

* You tribute to add meaning to your life.

Master should always benefit from a Tribute. Constantly showing appreciation and admiration makes you a "good boy". Earn your place in Master’s life. A tribute is a form of showing respect and admiration to your Superior Master.

4. Balance Your Life and Understand and Respect that Master Has a busy Life

Master has a busy life besides any D/s Relationship. A good boy is not demanding. A good boy understands that Master is his number one priority and fully recognizes how fortunate he is to be part of Master’s life. Your Master has an interesting, busy life and has more more than one sub serving Him. so He cannot always be available whenever you would like to talk.

5. Be Willing to Learn and Grow Alongside Your Master

You can consistently learn to be a better good boy for Master. Over time, Master knows what is best and right for you. So learn and grow with Master.

You see being a good boy is not that hard if you put in the effort. I am sure you want to be that good boy for Me. So let Me help you to achieve your full potential.

The Vicious Circle of self-service

We have all seen it many times. After serving a lot of subs experience a huge drop and regret their actions.

It's The vicious circle :

Horny Sub –> A Dom makes the sub’s dick itch –> Send to a Dom –> Climax –> Reality check -> Feeling 💩ty -> Swearing to do it Never again -> Horniness -> Relapse -> Let’s try another Dom -> ….


Well Sub. You cannot blame Dom ! Yes he used you, yes he got what he wanted and probably doesn’t’ know at all how to manipulate subs without his social media marketing.

You only got yourself to blame !. Why ?

·         * You send to a Dom you knew nothing about

·         * You just followed your brainless dick

·         * You didn’t have a strategy how to serve properly

The regret comes from the fact you didn’t serve a Dom at all. No you only served yourself. This behaviour is self-destructive.

It is the vicious circle of self-service : a self-serving Sub and a self-serving Dom.

By controlling your urges and submitting to a real Dom with who you build a lasting connection you will find real pleasure and purpose.

Yes you know you need to Serve (your body and min remind you each time). The combination of the need to fulfil your primal urges and your weak brain causes it to go really wrong.

If you want to find happiness you need a real master like me to step in and guide you. Even reprogram you to become focussed, immersed and committed. Single minded devotion ! No more regret, no more confusion. The feeling of belonging to real superior alpha master.

Reimbursment opport

Reimbursement opportunities. I got some replies from subs stating I need money to pay my event tickets (which were listed as . Clearly these fags are a bit confused as one can only be reimbursed if the money has already been spent.

Now. I do understand why some subs are confused. Often I see on Twitter a picture of a shopping cart and a Dom asking for reimbursement. If the cart has not been paid for, than there is absolutely no reason to ask for reimbursement. In fact the Dom probably hadn’t the money to pay for the item in his shopping cart in the first place. Or the Dom never was going to buy the item but just wanted (begged) cash to pay other bills.

Where is the Dominance when you ask subs to pay for things that you actually can’t afford ?  Honestly, this sounds dumb and desperate

Now back to the replies on my reimbursement opportunity. Every reimbursement opportunity or receipt I post here or on my Twitter have always been paid in full. I don’t need anything. I can pay my own bills and take care of all my expenses.

Now what I do like to see, is that subs spend their hard earned money on me instead of spending my own. It’s a hot game, they thank me for it. And as sub, who do you like to serve ? a Dom that is needy or a Dom that manages his own money properly …

Exposure subs

We all know there is a world out there of men that are turned on by being laughed at, humiliated, and exposed. In this short blog I want to focus on exposure subs and my findom.

b*******l is real and is getting more and more into findom. The master exposes the sub online (without consent). The sub is paying master to remove every single piece of info that is in the public domain. Myself I am not into non-consensual play.

Than we have exposure subs begging to be exposed. They want to get exposed, they actually kick on seeing their pictures and what they are doing all over the internet. If a master exposes the material which was send to him, than he actually helps realising the subs fantasy. It is as if the sub send a script to the master. I don’t see any power exchange here, there is no thrill for the Dom. If you are paid to expose the sub, it is rather being paid for a service. Yes I have exposed subs on their the demand for which I was paid. But I see it more like some marketing stuff. It’s a play which needs to be handled carefully, the last thing I want is to give the  Sub some power. Also it gets boring after a  while. Okay, not all exposure subs begging for attention are the same, if an exposure sub submits to a Doms superiority a relation can be developed like..

… Sub is tributing for you attention

… Sub is promoting his master

… Sub I getting mindfucked by his master and is showing his respect by tributing

I am sure there are more elements that can be added here, so comment or share experiences (let focus on he positive ones here).



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