MasterOfAll's blog

Stuff I'm working on

- Completely revamped blogs

- Completely revamped groups

- Completely revamped events

- Premium member features

- Various improvements and updates to existing features

Push notifications

You can now get notified instantly of any new messages, friend requests and Tips straight to your phone by registering for push notifications.

Simply click the red bell down the bottom of the site to subscribe and always stay in touch with events on the site!

(iOS devices are not supported as Apple have not implemented notifications yet for websites)


Upcoming things

Okay since they've been asked for the following things will be coming soon:

- 2 chat rooms, 1 for normal chat, and 1 for service (there will be an option to have both chats displayed in one window if you wish)

- A page dedicated to chat so you have the chat rooms as big as you like

These things should be ready by tomorrow afternoon.

Ready in the next month or so webcams will be back on the site, the following devices will be supported:

Desktop Computers
Google Chrome (latest release version)

Firefox (latest release version)

Opera (latest release version)

Mobile Devices

Google Chrome for Android (latest release version)

Firefox for Android (latest release version)

In short on desktops Safari will not work you'll have to use Chrome, Opera or Firefox on Mac OS, and iOS devices like iPhones and iPads won't work at all - because Apple don't support webRTC yet for some rubbish reason.

New menu

There's now a new mobile friendly main menu.

Nothing exciting but a little bit closer to a fully mobile site.

A year in review

So another year down, another year of progress, and what a great year it's been.

The site has changed radically, not just in terms of look but also in the culture.

It hasn't been all good though!

I've had to deal with things such as card fraud, members threatening to k**l each other, people making multiple profiles to scam people, personal threats to myself, threats of legal action from other payment providers - to name a few!

We got through it though and there has been a lot of good stuff along the way:

We introduced the content guidelines to make sure that OF only has the highest quality original content out of any other fetish site, we made the site mobile friendly so users can still join in while on the go, we had a massive change to the theme of the site making things more accessible and easier to navigate, we launched the new Syphon game, provided security via SSL, added the slave availability feature, added location search, added bank transfer for Tip withdrawals, added introduction videos and added the shout feature.

Quite a list.

On top of those updates there have also been other various little improvements to make the site more enjoyable.

As of writing this we're also up to 999 verified members, the highest we have ever had.

The site has paid out over £30,000 in Tip payments to Masters - a figure I never expected to reach so quickly, which I think shows just how well we're doing here at creating a site that people enjoy and trust using.

I have big plans for OF in 2016, as well as launching some little side ventures to compliment this place. It's going to be big, it's going to be fun, we're going to get this site out there and draw in the crowds.

Thank you for supporting the site over 2015 and I hope to still see your faces around at the end of next year too.

MoA x

New slave game - Syphon

This is a new game which I have had half finished for a long time and I am going to finish it this weekend and release it.

This is how it works:

Syphon will transfer between 5-10% of a slaves Tips to a random Master every 1 minute.

The slave can select to send to all on-line Masters at that time, or just Masters from their friends list.

Syphon will keep sending the Tips every minute until the slave has none left. If a slave buys more Tips before their Tips are exhausted the game will obviously last longer.

Once all their Tips have been syphoned a news feed post will appear showing how many Tips in total were sent and to which Masters.

Once the game has started THE SLAVE CANNOT STOP the syphoning of Tips. They can only watch helplessly as every minute their Tips decrease.

The idea of Syphon is for the slave to have no control of where the Tips go (similar to Roulette) but this is in a slower way and with a lower percentage of Tips being sent each time - like being pecked slowly by birds :)

What do you guys think?

New site theme

I'm having a new theme for the site developed.

Do we like the dark colour theme or should we go for something a bit lighter?

Comment below.

SSL Security

Well all as promised this site is now fully secure with SSL encryption!!!

That means anything you send or receive from Owned Fags will be safe and secure.

As always I am working hard to bring you the best site possible and making sure you browse securely is one way to do this!

Roadmap for the rest of the year & a little message about site gu...

Hi everyone,

So I Just wanted to make a little (or maybe not so little) post about the plan for the site up until the end of the year.

1) Complete and polish off current features:

So obviously at the moment there are a tonne of things you can do on the site but a lot of them are unfinished or do not work quite as well as the others. An example would be if someone comments on an Ownership post it won't go to the top of the news feed like other posts would do, you also don't get notifications for some things when people comment on them, this will be fixed too. This was an oversight on my part. The site was put together in a bit of a hurry and is in some parts 'mashed' together. When I started this place my coding knowledge was a little limited, but over the last 2 years that has obviously grown. I plan to go back over the earlier plugins and make them more integrated with the rest of the site, adding in new functionality and really making them work as the newer features do. This will mean though that for the time being new big changes will not be happening.

2) Create a better mobile experience:

Mobile tech is obviously becoming more and more popular and I plan to make the site more mobile friendly. This was already started a few weeks ago, and I am sure a lot of you will agree that the mobile experience is now a LOT better, but it still needs work. As part of this new mobile experience things like the messaging system will be given a complete overhaul to make it work with Apple devices. The messaging system will be the only part of the site to get a major re-work as part of the mobile upgrade.

3) Better security:

I take your security VERY seriously and soon I will be implementing SSL encryption to the site. When you buy Tips Verotel already provide this service so your card details are safe, but I will be rolling this out across the entire site. I know some of you like to allow Masters access to your profiles and even PC's via things like TeamViewer and I can't stop that, but when you use the site at least you'll have a secure connection.

4) Visual refresh:

Nothing major, but still helpful little pieces here and there. You'll notice the new changes to the news feed so it is now easier and more obvious on how to Tip members etc. There were also the new changes to the avatars to make ownership more obvious. So there will be more little changes like that. There will also be updates to profiles to make things such as what users are into and after more clear.

I think up until the new year this is realistically everything I could accomplish. I have a lot more planned clearly but that will need to wait for the new year.

As always I am trying to build this into a great community. I want something different to the others, and based on what you say I am on the right track.

In order to get there though I need your help, and I would really appreciate it if people re-read the Terms & Conditions, Content Guidelines and things like the Chat Room Rules.

They are there to make sure that we can all play safe, view original high quality content and really have a site that we can be proud to be apart of. If we stick to our guns our quality will outshine the other sites.

Thanks again for being apart of the site, here's to sailing into the new year (Y)


New Feature: Slave service availability

This is now live and slaves can set themselves as available for service from the console menu along the top of the site.

Masters who constantly ask for tribute from slaves who are not set in service mode will be given temporary bans.

Slaves ready for service will have an icon on the bottom left of their avatar and also a notice will be on their profile.

Please respect when a slave is ready for service and when they are not.

Many thanks.

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