MasterOfAll's blog

Worship Wall


Improvements have been made to the worship wall today, in which it will now display a notification in the news feed showing the added picture. You can now also add any Master to the wall by going to their profile and clicking 'Add to Worship Wall'.


Ownership Badges

There is now a new feature which I though was long overdue - ownership badges.


Since this site is called Owned Fags, it makes sense to be able to show who you own, or who you're owned by.


Slaves can now buy these badges by going to their Masters profile, from there you should click 'Buy Ownership Badge'


The badges are QR Codes. We chose QR codes as they're becoming increasingly popular and they're very easy to share. The codes contain your Masters profile link, so slaves should share these to get more slaves for their Master.


The codes also look like barcodes, which I thought was apt, because being owned means you're essentially your Masters property, and a barcode shows this.


Please let me have any feedback you can think of, or let me know if you come across any problems.



New Marketplace


I am working on the new marketplace at the moment, which will allow you to upload your videos to the site, meaning that when a slave buys one they can download the video right away - saving you the hassle of having to send them the link.

I was wondering, how large are your video files on average? I need to know what kind of upload limit to set.

Would around 100mb be enough?


Censorship Madness

So, I've had a few comments from people on how strict the word filter is here on the site, and you know what? I agree.

Some of the words I have to filter out are absolutely absurd - 't e n t a c l e' for example!

Now here's why:

Any site that processes payments from card vendors such as VISA and MASTERCARD have to adhere to strict rules. They do not want to process payments for any sites that would be handling illegal content - and quite right.

The system that is used is automated, and will first scan a site for specific words, if it finds any, a human then goes through and looks at the site more closely.

Now, I've had the comment "Well on other sites I can post what I like and it's not an issue, why can't I here?". It's simple - those other sites don't process payments - they don't have a credit system like I do, and because of that I need to follow the rules outlined by the payment processors.

I've attached a list to the bottom of this blog showing examples of words that need to be filtered, you'll be shocked, I'm sure, at the words they don't allow!

So yeah, understand it's not me being a prude!

I will be adjusting the filter so instead of filtering the word completely it would reword it to something like 'r4PE', but I won't have time to do that for a while.

Here's the word list for those interested.

A bit of fun

So I decided to create something for a bit of fun, aimed at you slaves who like a bit of danger in your lives ;)

The roulette wheel is a bit of a gamble - just like the real game.

The roulette wheel will select a random percentage of your credits from 10% to 100%.

It will then select a random Master who's on-line and send him those credits. The slaves can if they wish specify a Master, otherwise it will be random.

A post is then added to the news feed showing everyone that you just played.

So if you fancy living dangerously give it a try, I know the Masters here would appreciate it!

Also, if you've got any ideas on how to make the game better I would be glad to hear them - the same as if you've got any ideas for other games!

Play here!

Upcoming Features

So I like to keep everyone in the loop with what's going on, and I thought I would publish a list of features that are in the works.

I'd like comments on if you think they're worth doing, and also suggestions for anything you would like to see added.

To come

- Theatre

- More controls for Masters over Owned slaves; Masters will be able to stop slaves viewing other Masters profiles if they wish, Masters will be able to charge slaves a monthly fee for being owned, Masters will be able to read their slaves private messages, more to come

- Set up recurring tip transfers to Masters

- New improved shop

- Book time with a Master through the site

- Allow Masters to set goals and targets for slaves

- Pantheon updates

- Slave market updates

- Mobile version of the site

- Auction house


- Master and slave review/rating system (leave feedback on your experiences)

- Cam section

- Videos section

- Change username

- Master and slave tabs on the search page to separate the two

- Country search

- 1on1 video chat

- Credits roulette

- Owner Badges

- Improvements to the worship wall

- See who's visited you

- Send gifts


Worship Wall


So the worship wall is up. It worked fine on my development server, hopefully it will work fine here too!

It's still in the early stages, but I wanted to get it up and running now so I can get feedback on it.

I have a lot more planned for it, but as always your suggestions are welcome.

Check it out here.

New report user function

You can now report users with a new button displayed on profile pages.

Please fill in the details of the incident and then click send. This will notify an Admin for them to look into the issue.

Members who're repeatedly being reported may be banned, depending on the reasons for being reported and what the outcome is.

Please let me know if you've any questions.


So the new Awards and league section is up and running (kinda).

The credits tab is working, so Masters can see who has credits to spend, and also who has brought the most since joining.

Now Masters can see who the most lucrative slaves are, and where to direct their attention.

Slaves this also gives you more of an opportunity to impress the Masters and show you mean business.

The awards section will be up soon, and will let you see all the members who've been granted awards and what for.

Let me know your thoughts on these new sections.

New Marketplace

Buy and sell stuff!

Have fun.

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