lockedcocksucker's blog

So Far

So far for my new year's resolutions:

✅ diet changes

✅ gym routine

✅ chastity, although self locked

🟡 serving and servicing (x2, thanks gym membership) and definitely need more

🟡 bondage, but always need more of that too

❌ travel

I feel like I'm doing pretty well so far in general, but could work harder...

New Years Resolutions

Everybody always does new years resolutions and I've always avoided it, but this year I hope to:

* finally make the diet changes I need and get in the gym more often to be a healther, fitter sub

* more time spent in chastity, ideally most of the year

* spend more time serving or servicing, letting the submissive need take over

* a lot more bondage, combined with other things on this list

* travel more - either for tourism or for meet ups/play

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