subjeffie's blog

Slow and steady wins the race

I won't go back so far as to talk about how snail mail groups worked because it doesn't matter. Technology changes but human nature doesn't. My first online post was on Usenet which I think is still around in some form. I had bdsm fantasies and was looking for someone to tie me up and do whatever he wanted to do with me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I had no idea about limits and what anything meant. I assumed anyone that was interested would somehow know exactly what was going through my mind.

I said the same naïve things throughout the years as I explored new kinks. 

Fast forward to the present. I joined OwnedFags at the same time I joined other sites looking to fulfill a specific need. I assumed the tip transfer system here was similar to the tips I sent to Men on the video performance sites. Stupid, stupid, stupid! 😂 Age does not guarantee insight or wisdom. Sending 10 tips to a stranger felt like a big deal to me. I did not have good experiences and was 30 minutes away from deleting this account until I took a chance on the one Man who didn't take advantage of me as a newbie. It's unfortunate that we're not still together but I'm still here and learning from my current owner, The MasterOfAll.

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