• Inferior32
    Inferior32 started a new target
    Target failed

    Pillory tax 💸

    The remaining tax balance from a completed Pillory game
    Set by
    Set for

    0 Tips (£0.00) of 4580 Tips (£458.00) / 0%

    Feb 27
    5 members like this
    Mar 2
    What he has done in the last month here is commendable and a few failures never gives findom here a bad name or him a bad name. It’s same with you mutt, you chose to serve the men you are into and the same way he prefers his choices: Everyone can’t be whale subs, some accepts the target when they have the rush to submit and sometimes they are not able to fulfill it and when it happens mutt you don’t have any right to stamp him saying that he has no sense of community (you have failed targets too). So stay at your place!What he has done in the last month here is commendable and a few failures never gives findom here a bad name or him a bad name. It’s same with you mutt, you chose to serve the men you are into and the...See more
    Mar 2
    If you accept a target, you finish it. Sure 💩 happens and sometimes they truly can't be finished, but when a sub is accepting umpteen targets left and right the fault is more with the sub. That being said, Doms setting ridiculously greedy pillories over and over that they keep getting stiffed on says a lot about the Dom.If you accept a target, you finish it. Sure 💩 happens and sometimes they truly can't be finished, but when a sub is accepting umpteen targets left and right the fault is more with the sub. That being ...See more
    Mar 3
    This $ub is #2 on the sub market so should be encouraged for its sacrifice
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