

🕑 Last online: May 10


🕝 Last online May 10

28 years old, Dom, Gay
South Africa South Africa
Joined Mar 12

🏷 master feet dom paypigs

DodgeViper has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Here for
Findom, Chat, Friendship
Findom, Feet, Smoking, Edging
About Me
Hey there, curious soul. Welcome to my world, where time moves at its own pace, and every moment is a chance to uncover something new. They call me [Your Name], and I've got a knack for taking life slow, soaking in every detail like it's the last piece of a puzzle.

You see, I'm all about knowing things. Not just scratching the surface, but diving deep into the depths of whatever piques my interest. Whether it's unraveling the complexities of the universe or dissecting the nuances of a piece of music, I'm in it for the thrill of discovery.

Speaking of music, that's my jam. I've got this insatiable hunger for finding new tunes, ones that stir something deep inside. It's like each melody is a key to unlock a different part of my soul. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like the rush of stumbling upon a track that resonates with every fiber of your being.

But music's just one piece of the puzzle. I'm also all about the arts—paintings, sculptures, you name it. There's something magical about getting lost in a masterpiece, letting it transport you to another world entirely. It's in those moments that I feel most alive, most connected to something greater than myself.

Now, here's the thing about me: I've got this drive to be the best. Call it a competitive streak or just a stubborn refusal to settle for anything less than perfection. Whatever it is, I'm always pushing myself to dominate whatever I set my mind to or my cock. It's not enough to be good; I want to be the best, no matter what.

So, that's me in a nutshell—a man of mystery and mastery, always hungry for the next big revelation. If you're up for the challenge, Who knows what we might find lurking in the shadows?
What I want
I want obedient slaves, that will spoil me well.

6' 2" / 188cm
160lb / 72.7kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour

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