

🕑 Last online: Jul 22


🕝 Last online Jul 22

38 years old, Dom, Gay
Germany Germany
Joined Mar 22 '22

🏷 underwear fart

Fart_Master has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
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Findom, Humiliation, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship
About Me
Farts everywhere to every open mouth

6' 4.3" / 194cm
215lb / 97.7kg
Foot size
11 UK / 46 EU /  12 US
Fart_Master's stable

Fart_Master has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

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Fart_Master has no feedback

  • Fart_Master
    Fart_Master voted on MasterOfAll's poll
    I'm thinking of adding a page where users can advertise their businesses/services.

    Question - Do you have a business/service that you'd want to advertise? The advert could be anonymous.
    Yes, I'd love some free advertising!
    (40 votes 35%)
    No, I don't have anything to advertise
    (74 votes 65%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 114
    May 28 '22
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cleaning, haircuts and manscaping, etc... I've thought how I'd love to be able to find a slave / fag to come out and do this work for Me instead
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cle...See more
    Apr 21 '23
    I missed this pole, I would love to advertise my art
    Apr 21 '23
    can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertizing something? I heard some XL great Master could eventually & maybe create a page onpage. Could I eventually advertize about that on your site? Just an idea; ads to g gay sites who will pay you to appear on your site & pay you even more if someone register. Same for undies, kink/ gay/men shops. The site would pay you each time someone will buy on their site from yours. Any gay politician that would love his campain poster. Advertizing your site on your site would be a little absurd. Advertizing new & special gifts (tributes)🤩 a black place somewhere on the site and tell people they have to give you tips.can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertiz...See more
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