

πŸ•‘ Last online: Mar 28


πŸ• Last online Mar 28

29 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Aug 28 '23

🏷 No profile tags

Type of meets
Here for
Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Bondage, CBT
What I want
To serve, and be useful to alpha men. What I want is less important ;)
What experience do you have?
Things I have done:

feet- worship, massage foot stool
Object for you to punishment and beat up
Domestic service, clean your flat, chores... real men shouldn't have to do fag work ;)
Offer up my flat to use (got a studio in shoreditch)
urinal service

6' 1.2" / 186cm
Sub market points

Ldnfag has no Sub market points


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