🕑 Last online: Jul 5


🕝 Last online Jul 5

44 years old, Dom, Bisexual
United States United States, Texas
Joined Feb 17

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PH8KLR has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Suits, Uniforms, Bikers, Smoking, Fisting, CBT, Dungeon Play, Edging, Electro
About Me
Business professional and a gentleman, but you can call me Sir or Master.
What I want
Misogynist. I want a faggot who KNOWS he's a faggot. Someone who looks clean cut, pure, and wholesome if we're out in public, but my complete controlled whore in the privacy of our home. I want to strip him of his dignity and remove any thoughts of a safe word from his mind. I want him to have full trust that no matter what I may be doing to him, I will always keep hin safe. We won't be equals. Your opinions are those that I give you. I will make decisions for you. I want you to feel like my wife and do all the things a traditional wife would do for her husband. You will have zero privacy. I will have the password to your phoone and all social media accounts. You will be monogamous to ME, but I retain the right to to whore you out if and when I want, to whomever I want. I will not be monogamous. You don't get choices, but as I said earlier, you'd trust that I'd always keep you safe. I won't be monogamous.
What experience do you have?
FINDom, IRL/online slave training, tasks that require photo proof, CBT, FF, objectification, breath play, I'm also very good with words.

5' 10" / 178cm
185lb / 84.1kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour
PH8KLR's stable

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Pantheon Points

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  • PH8KLR
    PH8KLR added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

    Many of you know the mutt, help welcome it to my stable. This will be the fourth game we’ve done today. 3 on X that I’m sure some of you participated in. Let’s drain this faggots cashcunt some more😈

    Tax paid to: Late_start2022
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1180 Tips (£118.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Apr 10
    21 members like this
    Apr 10
    oops sorry, just came back on this site to see I missed it; hope you had fun
    Apr 10
    Thank you Masters and fellow subs for helping my God open up my cash cunt today
    Apr 10
    Me too :(
    You need to sign in to comment
  • Claudio1986
    So nice
    Apr 1
  • PH8KLR
    PH8KLR is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Mar 12
    subjeffie and JasperThePup101 like this
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