🕑 Last online: Jul 21


🕝 Last online Jul 21

lock This sub is owned by straighthungmaster

59 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Nov 15 '20

🏷 No profile tags

Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Sub market points

TG has no Sub market points


TG has no feedback

  • TG
    TG moved up to a new position on the Sub Market


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 171

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    Mar 2
  • TG
    TG was accepted into straighthungmaster's stable 'straighthungmaster's stable'

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    ⛓ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    ⛓ View your private messages
    ⛓ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    ⛓ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    ⛓ Put you in the Dungeon

    Feb 5 '21
    straighthungmaster likes this
    Feb 5 '21
    About time weakling...
    You need to sign in to comment
  • TG
    TG completed their target
    Target completed

    Weak target for a weak faggot

    Drool over my profile as much as you want . You wish you could get closer to me
    Set for

    200 Tips (£20.00) of 200 Tips (£20.00) / 100%

  • TG
    TG sent some Tips

    200 Tips (£20.00)

    Sent to straighthungmaster
  • TG
    TG is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
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