• Slave
    Slave started a new poll
    ⭐ Partners and Findom? Do you have a Partner and do they know what you're up to? ⭐
    ⭐ I have a Partner and they think Findom is just great!
    (6 votes 15%)
    ⭐ I have a Partner and they would be furious if they knew what I was up to!
    (8 votes 20%)
    ⭐ I don't have a Partner so this Poll is pointless.
    (14 votes 34%)
    ⭐ Slave is the sexiest Man who has ever lived!
    (13 votes 32%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 41
    Sep 16 '23
    who needs a partner when you know the sexiest men on earth😉😇 this poll is not useless, the only real answer is just obvious
    Sep 16 '23
    My (sort of) partner knows and hates it with a passion.
    Sep 16 '23
    At subx what does he hate aboutnit. And does he know how much you're (rightfully) giving to your Sir
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