

🕑 Last online: Jul 23


🕝 Last online Jul 23

26 years old, sub, Bisexual
Australia Australia, Undoolya
Joined Aug 24 '23

🏷 No profile tags

Type of meets
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Muscles, Leather, Boots, Skinhead, Bondage, Suits, Uniforms, Bikers, Smoking, Mummification, Rubber
About Me
Always been really into becoming a mindless drone always found it very hot just a cog in the machine no thinking only obedience a serial # rather than a name that sort of thing some other fetishes including leather, rubber, boots, smoking, and had some minor experience with h***o and of course my big kink objectification I’m not really into feet or cross dressing as fetishes though.
What I want
Looking for training in becoming a cash drone a object designed to work, earn money hand over money to those above the drone in the chain of command and repeat the process not sure how successful it can be online but hoping to find masters experienced with this to try
What experience do you have?
I’ve done some findom before in real time but haven’t had much experience with online findom but willing to try it out

5' 10" / 178cm
160lb / 72.7kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour
Sub market points
Drone's position in the Sub Market is 29 with 500 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 01:34

Drone has no feedback

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