

🕑 Last online: Yesterday, 23:58


🕝 Last online Yesterday, 23:58

64 years old, Dom, Gay
Australia Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
Joined Sep 5 '22

🏷 cash control master boots superior beard


theseniormaster001 has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Boots, Bondage, Suits, CBT, Edging, Mummification
About Me
high or higher in rank or status.

My primary fetish is communication.
I am curious by nature and happy to be dumbest person in the room. I am more likely to learn something that way.
I enjoy analysing the word around me and myself in that world.
Which is the more sadistic, the sadist who flogs the masochist or the sadist who denies the masochist a flogging?
Totally not interested in brats or brattish behaviour.
The psychological dynamics of power play interest me far more than physical restraint for its own sake. Bondage is fun but for me it is only an adjunct to a deeper relationship.
Being quiet by nature you will be unlikely to find me yelling or making aggressive demands.
Community is one of my highest values, I hope I can bring something useful to this group/site.

I am happy to share some of life's lessons:-
- Wisdom does not necessarily come with age.
- Desperation does not necessarily come with age.
- Civility costs me nothing and diminishes me in no way.
- Humour is wonderful.
-Even though I own a pair of dirty white socks and have a middle finger, I am not a God.
What I want
I want to know you, what does and doesn’t make you tick.
I want to get inside your thoughts, the only true freedom you will ever know will come from your complete surrender.
What experience do you have?
Been around the block more than just a few times.

6' 1.2" / 186cm
205lb / 93.2kg
Foot size
11 UK / 46 EU /  12 US
Eye colour

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theseniormaster001 has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points
theseniormaster001's position in the Pantheon is 16 with 1400 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 01:43






2 albums total View all
  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Alex's blog post
    All human beings make mistakes, and those of us in
    power-exchange relationships are no exception. Most of those mistakes are small
    ones, but sometim...
    Jul 22
    servus and subjeffie like this
    Jul 22
    Sometimes only those that are totally in control have the capacity to acknowledge they may have made a mistake
    Jul 22
    No one is infallible. True Doms recognize when they've erred and seek to make things right.
    Jul 22
    i am a lucky slave, my Master never makes mistakes, but if He made one, i would wonder how i could have better supported Him so that He would not have made it.
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Slave's poll
    🤔 If I write a blog about my recent journey to find a Dom would anyone be remotely interested? Thing is, there's no point writing if no-one's watching...
    ⭐ Sure. I've got time on my hands, I'll read it.
    (10 votes 91%)
    ⭐ Nah, reading is for losers. I can't be arsed.
    (0 votes 0%)
    ⭐ I like pictures only, words confuse me.
    (1 votes 9%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 11
    Jul 20
    Jul 20
    Ask me when the interperative dance version is due for release ;)
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on servus's status
    Congrats for being sub of the day, my dear brother!
    Jul 17
    Phranklin and FinDomJon like this
    Jul 17
    Jul 17
    Cheers mj
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on ociosskmi's status
    Newly unowned, essentially since joining the site, as my Master decided to step away from findom. Tentatively looking for a new who can take me even deeper and further into findom. My last had my whole life revolving around him; every extra dollar I made was his. I want to find that again.
    Jul 17
    14 members like this
    Jul 17
    Thank you @Slave 💖
    Jul 17
    All the best to you, I'm confident many will approach you as a result of this post. For you, I wish that one of the many is the "right" one
    Jul 17
    Indeed, thank you @theseniormaster001, your well-wishes are well-received 💖 i hope so too.
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Slave's poll
    This is as scientific a Poll as you will ever find, a bit like asking if God is real. SO, WHAT AGE GROUP MAKES THE BEST DOM?
    Boomers (1946 - 1964)?
    (5 votes 7%)
    Generation X (1965 - 1980)?
    (18 votes 25%)
    Millennials (1981 - 1996)?
    (43 votes 60%)
    Generation Z (1997 - 2010)?
    (6 votes 8%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 72
    Jun 26
    Jun 26
    Because that’s what the age bracket is referred to , as per all the others!
    Jun 28
    Millennials 👍👌
    Jul 3
    Trust my group to be kings
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 24

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    May 31
    6 members like this
  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

    My mutts birthday is tomorrow, let’s get him in the number one spot to celebrate 😈

    Tax paid to: Late_start2022
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 2920 Tips (£292.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    May 5
    53 members like this
    May 6
    Thank you all who wished my fag a happy birthday today 😈
    May 6
    Well that's incredibly hot
    May 6
    I missed the birthday drain; what a nice present for you mutt
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 added towards pucktk's Pillory tax total

    Puck naked at the pillory before he is allowed to cum!

    Tax paid to: ITALSKIN
    Tax per like: 15 Tips (£1.50) 💸
    Tax per comment: 15 Tips (£1.50) 💸
    Tax limit: 600 Tips (£60.00) 💸

    Total tax to pay: 600 Tips (£60.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Apr 22
    10 members like this
    Apr 22
    to add to this sub’s
    Apr 22
    pillory exposure
    Apr 22
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on cynic's poll
    I am curious: does any Master on here use AI in their exchanges with slaves?
    No judgement (for a change! 🤪), just interested.
    (2 votes 12%)
    No, how dare you even thinking that! Bad faggot!
    (12 votes 71%)
    No, but I regularly re-use stuff from other email exchanges
    (2 votes 12%)
    No, I find all I need on Google (note: other search engines are available)
    (1 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 17
    Apr 6
    Apr 6
    ⬆️ ha ha Senior. You’d def be on my ‘phone a friend’ with your intellect !
    Apr 6
    A worrying poll. Almost half the Dom respondents freely admit that they cheat, lie or steal...
    Apr 6
    You can use ai during exchanges?
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Shandus being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Mar 8
    Mad4vibe, subjeffie and MstrD like this
    Mar 8
    Thank you sir
    Mar 8
    Mar 8
    Thank you sir!
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on cynic's blog post
    The topsy-turvy world of findom
    I recall with fondness the days when I was visible and even desired. Locking eyes with another man in a crowd; catching someone looking at me and...
    Mar 7
    5 members like this
    Mar 8
    @Slave: thank you and thanks for the flowers too!
    Mar 8
    @seniormaster: very true Sir. And ouch!
    Mar 8
    @subjeffie: true but still sad, nevertheless
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Sub_Neath joining CBUK's stable 'FMUK'S slave barn'

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    ⛓ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    ⛓ View your private messages
    ⛓ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    ⛓ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    ⛓ Put you in the Dungeon

    Mar 7
    14 members like this
    Mar 8
    Congratulations to both of Y/you Sir and brother.
    Mar 8
    Thank you guys
    May 15
    You need to sign in to comment
  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Slave's poll
    Recently, Maskedmasterbe described the service of a sub as 'Primal'. Is he right? Is what we do primal, our ancestors calling us home? Or is it chemistry, or upbringing, or seeking love or tips?
    PRIMAL - Some men were born to serve, some men born to be served. It's a structure of society.
    (10 votes 42%)
    CHEMICAL - The brain is biologically wired to be dominant or submissive in varying degrees..
    (4 votes 17%)
    UPBRINGING - Moments and incidents from the past dictate how we behave.
    (8 votes 33%)
    GRATIFICATION - I love tips, giving them, receiving them, it's just an enriching pleasure.
    (2 votes 8%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 24
    Mar 6
    Mar 6
    I think there's a mix, although primal instinct is the main core. Experience in life help model and create the path for special kinks, but overall being sub or Dom is essentially primal.
    Mar 6
    I agree 100% with Sir Eblus saying about primal instinct.
    But precisely it’s instinct. Not about the structure of society. And this is way this helpless leftie minded fag couldn’t choose option 1.
    However I embrace my place in the food chain and not saying all men are equal. That’s BS. But the “structure of society” is not about the reproduction of those inequalities. And this is why in the last 50 or 60 years our old European societies have move forward in reducing them.
    I agree 100% with Sir Eblus saying about primal instinct.
    But precisely it’s instinct. Not about the structure of society. And this is way this helpless leftie minded fag couldn’t choose optio...See more
    Mar 6
    Note: the message just above was written without sniffing “leather cleaners”. Whenever my owner will put the small bottle at my nostrils in the next few days I will probably write something completely different. 😂😂
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Slave's blog post
    The RULES of Findom
    When I came to this wonderful website, the second time
    around, in the first few hours I was encouraged to leave the site and head to
    another platfor...
    Mar 4
    8 members like this
    Mar 11
    What? You agree with MP? Who is MP?
    Mar 11
    There was public chat few nights ago about rules and sub's behavior. It was quite true there's standard, but not strictly bordered every time.
    Mar 11
    One of 'those' conversations in the chat room. Everyone has their own rules...
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 liked PissPig's photo
    Feb 18
    13 members like this
    Sep 19 '22
    Interesting urinal boi!
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Newnorthern's blog post
    Supporting subs
    I have learned recently that subs (like me) have feelings too. A lot of iud like humiliation, trusting amd getting cashfucked. The thing is subs are a...
    Feb 15
    Tee likes this
    Feb 15
    Well said newnortthen. Many proclaim to practice the principles you allude to. Find the ones that actually act out those principles. The hypocrites eventually expose themselves, the tragedy is those that get burnt in the process
    Feb 29
    Agreed, very good writing. that's why it's always a good idea to set a boundary on how much you can give, be open about your finances, any Dom that then pushes that boundary is greedy and don't understand how boundaries work. A submissive should never have to ask for aftercare from Their dominant, if this is the case then as a dominant they need to do better.Agreed, very good writing. that's why it's always a good idea to set a boundary on how much you can give, be open about your finances, any Dom that then pushes that boundary is greedy and don't unders...See more
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  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 commented on Slave's poll
    MASTERS ONLY! And I create this Poll with a cheeky smile on my face Sirs. How would you describe your reasons for being here? 😄
    I'm here for a stimulating combination of control and dominance. I seek to guide and train a sub.
    (21 votes 57%)
    I'm here for fun, to be entertained, to end the the boredom of gym-life, selfies and mirror gazing.
    (5 votes 14%)
    I have a HUGE cock, where else would I be?!
    (4 votes 11%)
    Shut the fuck up and give me your tips you worthless loser.
    (7 votes 19%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 37
    Feb 5
    Feb 7
    I said earlier on another post that I was always sad to see people leave the site. I retract my previous words! 😂😂
    Feb 7
    Be quiet slut. Have some respect and enjoy the ride! This is just the beginning ‼️
    Feb 8
    He needs his own show 😂🍿
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  • theseniormaster001
    Cheers for being around at our 6th Monthiversary, Sir. And those great comments too!
    Feb 2
    5 members like this
  • theseniormaster001
    theseniormaster001 added towards frenchbottomslut's Pillory tax total

    6th monthversary pillory! Friends, please join frenchie and I on this very special celebration. We are doing it the way he likes: rough and unlimited.

    Tax paid to: MasterMister
    Tax per like: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1000 Tips (£100.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Feb 2
    25 members like this
    Feb 3
    in bed when it started & finished when I got online😢 sorry & again congratulations to both. Great it reached £100 so french will get his reward👍 I wish you many more years fun
    Feb 3
    Still waiting for my reward actually! 😈😈
    Feb 4
    A beautiful game. ^ I wanna know what that reward is ;)
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  • theseniormaster001
    I trust this gift will hydrate you so you can continue your day, sir
    Jan 30
    Jan 30
    Oh dear, slaughter the fatted calf for the prodigal sub has returned .... I do hope you enjoyed your sojourn cunt
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