

🕑 Last online: May 21


🕝 Last online May 21

30 years old, Dom, Bromosexual
United States United States, San Francisco Bay Area
Joined Jan 4

🏷 master feet leather alpha dom cigars mind fuck muscle worship impact play musk

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Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Leather, Boots, Bondage, Suits, Uniforms, Smoking, Fisting, CBT, Dungeon Play
About Me
Let's get this straight right out the gate:
I'm a man and you're not. You should know this at all times, and I will remind you of it.
Don't waste my time. I'm open to hearing from any potential cashfags and slaves, but at a certain point time is money.
I'm open to online or in person, but the latter will require more dedication from you in order to earn.
You probably don't deserve to ever see my cock and that should turn your tiny little cock rock hard because you know deep down you're undeserving.
In my non-Dom life I'm just a regular guy with two lizards and two jobs. I'm also taking classes at community college. I love learning and being active. I'm a big fan of science, mainly biology and ecology. I also have a keen interest in psychology (which I use to my advantage in my Dom life). I'm a hardworking laborer, which keeps me in shape (but I still like food, as you might be able to tell). When I'm not working a million jobs and studying I get into a regular workout routine and shape up pretty fast. I have that farmboy strength and I can throw you around. I used to teach kung fu so I can REALLY throw you around, if you're into that.
I'm somewhat of a shapeshifter in that I have learned from an early age to code switch in order to get through life. In a way, it has helped me develop different facets of my personality, including my Dom personality. I grew up a thug, and can treat you how a fag-hating thug would. But since those days I've matured and refined quite a bit and can be anything from a thug to a more stereotypical Dom to a refined mind-fucking Dom.
I like cooking but hate doing dishes....I'm man enough to do them without complaining but if I had a sub around to do them for me, well... I might just let him lick my sweaty toes.
What I want
An obedient sub/slave who will open their wallet and even beg me for the opportunity to do so. Someone who knows their place worshipping an alpha. Also open to talking with other Doms/Masters, I don't see us as competition and I don't feel threatened by other Doms. If anything we're in this together and should team up on these fags and show them their place beneath us.
What experience do you have?
A bit of bondage & domination in real life, but nothing online, just venturing into financial domination since money is power, making findom the ultimate surrender of power/ power exchange.

5' 9.2" / 176cm
175lb / 79.5kg
Foot size
8.5 UK / 43 EU /  9.5 US
Eye colour

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