

🕑 Last online: Jul 13


🕝 Last online Jul 13

35 years old, Dom, Gay
Netherlands Netherlands
Joined May 26 '22

🏷 master feet dominant

Monty has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat
Findom, Humiliation, Bondage, Edging

6' 0.4" / 184cm
165lb / 75kg
Foot size
 10.5 UK / 45 EU /  11.5 US
Eye colour

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Monty's stable

Monty has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

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  • Monty
    Monty moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 696

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    Sep 4 '23
    SubVitale likes this
  • Monty
    Monty added towards FagofSirSam's Pillory tax total

    Piggy smells bacon and needs to be cooked

    Tax paid to: Sexy_Superman
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 5 Tips (£0.50) 💸
    Tax limit: 500 Tips (£50.00) 💸

    Total tax to pay: 490 Tips (£49.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Oct 2 '22
    16 members like this
    Oct 2 '22
    Oct 2 '22
    Oct 2 '22
    Boom. Hard in youbpiggy
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  • Monty
    Monty voted on enslaved's poll
    what is your favourite kind of Master?
    the rather gentle handsome kind that will understand you, respect your situation & limits
    (13 votes 32%)
    the dominant kind that will decide what you must do & may not do
    (8 votes 20%)
    the rougher kind that will push you to extend your limits more & more
    (14 votes 34%)
    the very hard kind that will help you to get ruined for his benefits & your hot fun
    (6 votes 15%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 41
    Sep 18 '22
    The very hard are also the most powerful ?
    Sep 28 '22
    I agree with Woof82 except I will have mostly B & don't care about the handsome part wich I would change for very manly, very masculine Alphas
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  • Monty
    Monty voted on Slave's poll
    Should the Lazy Lounge (Chat Room) be a place for the following discussions:
    A place to chat about model railways, excursions, favourite food?
    (8 votes 15%)
    A place to chat about Service, Slavery, Findom?
    (28 votes 51%)
    A place to chat about how brilliant 'Slave' is?
    (11 votes 20%)
    A place to chat about how brilliant MasterOfAll is?
    (8 votes 15%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 55
    Sep 17 '22
    All of the above except fag praise
    Sep 17 '22
    Things are going too well for MasterOfAll. Appalling. But that's showbusiness...
    Oct 6 '22
    The answer is so obvious: 3 of course. There is no wrong time or wrong place to chat about how brilliant 'Slave' is! We all know MOA is fabulous but but some seem to forget how wonderful Slave is. It's only fair to remember that & not to forget it.
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  • Monty
    I’m visiting London this week. If any fags want to meet in real time, message me.
    Aug 20 '22
    Sub_Dutch likes this
  • Monty
    Monty commented on masterzal's status
    It would be great, for a change, seeing people putting some effort into keeping subs around for the long haul, rather than draining them senseless instantly only to make them run away.
    Aug 13 '22
    25 members like this
    Aug 13 '22
    But why don’t subs sinply say no to them or even block them? They serve them hard and only then they run away… uhm…
    Aug 13 '22
    That's the point, Ital. Woof said himself that he didn't say no at the start and had to grow into it - with time
    Aug 14 '22
    I think the answer to that Ital, is that they are people pleasers and very submissive- the kind of subs that would be a great asset and community member if given a chance, but who get overwhelmed with the amount of rejection they have to do up front- it doesn't feel good for them to say 'no' so often, and so fast- many don't until they are in a hole and the least confrontational option is to delete and run. I'm not attributing fault, they should absolutely learn to say no too, and it's great that we have many subs who *can say no and retain that level of control themselves, or have had the time to find a master they trust with relinquishing that control- but the way to learn that for those who haven't yet, probably isn't 'right in at the deep end, 30 messages and 10 game requests' I know of more than one sub who's said the same thing as Zal outlined after I referred them here- overwhelmed and chased off. That may be hot for some, but it is also a fact that it sends many running on day one, it's simply the truth- without pointing fingers to either party.I think the answer to that Ital, is that they are people pleasers and very submissive- the kind of subs that would be a great asset and community member if given a chance, but who get overwhelmed with...See more
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  • Monty
    Monty added towards slaveofMasterSir's Pillory tax total

    Just drain the slave .
    No limit in total

    Tax paid to: CallMeSir
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 5 Tips (£0.50) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 765 Tips (£76.50)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 6 '22
    23 members like this
    Aug 7 '22
    Aug 7 '22
    Thanks fellow Masters and slaves for helping draining my slave here !
    Aug 7 '22
    In pillory
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  • Monty
    Monty voted on MasterOfAll's poll
    I'm thinking of adding a page where users can advertise their businesses/services.

    Question - Do you have a business/service that you'd want to advertise? The advert could be anonymous.
    Yes, I'd love some free advertising!
    (40 votes 35%)
    No, I don't have anything to advertise
    (74 votes 65%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 114
    May 28 '22
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cleaning, haircuts and manscaping, etc... I've thought how I'd love to be able to find a slave / fag to come out and do this work for Me instead
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cle...See more
    Apr 21 '23
    I missed this pole, I would love to advertise my art
    Apr 21 '23
    can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertizing something? I heard some XL great Master could eventually & maybe create a page onpage. Could I eventually advertize about that on your site? Just an idea; ads to g gay sites who will pay you to appear on your site & pay you even more if someone register. Same for undies, kink/ gay/men shops. The site would pay you each time someone will buy on their site from yours. Any gay politician that would love his campain poster. Advertizing your site on your site would be a little absurd. Advertizing new & special gifts (tributes)🤩 a black place somewhere on the site and tell people they have to give you tips.can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertiz...See more
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  • Monty
    Monty voted on Nicknick's poll
    Which is best?
    Daily fagtax
    (23 votes 27%)
    Weekly tributes
    (45 votes 53%)
    Bi monthly cash r**e
    (8 votes 9%)
    Monthly account r**e
    (9 votes 11%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 85
    May 26 '22
    Weekly is better so MASTERS could relax at Weekends💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
    May 27 '22
    Yeah they all have a place just depends on circumstance and, as above, the master.
    Jun 5 '22
    Looking great
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  • Monty
    Monty is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
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