

🕑 Last online: Mar 29


🕝 Last online Mar 29

23 years old, Dom, Straight
Denmark Denmark
Joined Feb 21

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  • Young Danish Alpha male seeks humble beta males who will worship a 22 year old straight dominant Mas...
    · Feb 21
  • YoungAlfahanDK
    YoungAlfahanDK created a new blog post
    Young Danish Alfa male
    Young Danish Alpha male seeks humble beta males who will worship a 22 year old straight dominant Master. You are a miserable pathetic paypigs who will...
    Feb 21
    servus and enslaved like this
  • YoungAlfahanDK
    YoungAlfahanDK is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Feb 21
    4 members like this
    Feb 21
    Handsome Man. Welcome and be brilliant.
    Feb 21
    The cruelty of youth! Look how utterly beautiful he is. At that wonderful age we take it for granted, without a thought, but it lasts for only a moment (unless you're Masterzal). You Sir, are beguiling and handsome to the point of breath-taking.
    Feb 22
    Welcome to OF, Sir.
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