

🕑 Last online: Aug 30


🕝 Last online Aug 30

28 years old, sub, Gay
Qatar Qatar
Joined Mar 18 '23

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  • bitchboy
    bitchboy voted on Slave's poll
    Are subs stupid?
    (28 votes 28%)
    (72 votes 72%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 100
    Jul 6 '23
    Most subs are not stupid. Some are, but most are not. Being submissive does not make you any less intelligent. It is not something where the sub is lacking anything due to his desire to serve. He is simply wired in a submissive way. Nothing wrong with it and when he embraces it, it is best for everyone, especially the sub.Most subs are not stupid. Some are, but most are not. Being submissive does not make you any less intelligent. It is not something where the sub is lacking anything due to his desire to serve. He is s...See more
    Jul 8 '23
    The results are in! Well, who knew...
    Aug 31 '23
    my subs know the goal, and they strain to get there, thats not stupidity
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  • bitchboy
    bitchboy is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Apr 7 '23
    Sexy_Superman and Phranklin like this
    Apr 13 '23
    Welcome bitchboy
    Apr 13 '23
    Oh hey there bitchboy! And welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find sexy Doms here that will make you live out your username 🤤
    Apr 13 '23
    welcome slutty
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