

🕑 Last online: Jun 23


🕝 Last online Jun 23

30 years old, Dom, Gay
Germany Germany
Joined Feb 19

🏷 No profile tags

established1993 has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
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Du brauchst Aufmerksamkeit?

Du willst einem dominanten Master dienen? Bei dem Gedanken abzudrücken wirst du geil? Finde deine Erfüllung als FinSub!

Für Anfänger und Profis, vom kleinen Betrag bis zur langfristigen Verpflichtung.

Online, über alle gängigen Plattformen oder live in Berlin.

Bewirb dich und wir sprechen über alles weitere.


Do you need attention?

Do you want to serve a dominant master? Do you get horny at the thought of pulling the trigger? Find your fulfillment as a FinSub!

For beginners and professionals, from small amounts to long-term commitments.

Online, via all common platforms or live in Berlin.

Apply and we'll talk about everything else.

5' 11.6" / 182cm
180lb / 81.8kg
Foot size
8.5 UK / 43 EU /  9.5 US
Eye colour
established1993's stable

established1993 has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points
established1993's position in the Pantheon is 116 with 50 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 02:05

established1993 has no feedback

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