

🕑 Last online: Yesterday, 23:45


🕝 Last online Yesterday, 23:45

lock This sub is owned by DJMasterLeder

39 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Jul 19 '23

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Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
About Me
been in an out of findom for nearly 20 years, now looking for a Alpha who’s name I can get tattooed on me right from the start and this will be my Alpha for life

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  • fag4lifelongservice

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    ⛓ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    ⛓ View your private messages
    ⛓ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    ⛓ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    ⛓ Put you in the Dungeon

    Apr 4
    22 members like this
    Apr 5
    Congratulations to both of Y/you, Sir DJ and brother.
    Apr 5
    congratulations to both. Take care of each other & have lots of fun🥳️👍👍
    Apr 5
    Such a lucky slave !
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  • fag4lifelongservice
    fag4lifelongservice moved up to a new position on the Sub Market


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 101

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
  • fag4lifelongservice
    fag4lifelongservice sent some Tips

    500 Tips (£50.00)

    Sent to DJMasterLeder
    Apr 4
    7 members like this
    Apr 4
    Apr 4
    Well done! 👏 😈
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  • fag4lifelongservice
    fag4lifelongservice sent some Tips

    220 Tips (£22.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Mar 31
  • fag4lifelongservice
    Any Masters with experience of using contracts?
    Mar 31
    Mar 31
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  • fag4lifelongservice
    fag4lifelongservice voted on masterzal's poll
    As a sub: do you care, mind, or even wonder what your Dom does with your tributes?
    I don’t know and I don’t care; I simply send 💸
    (14 votes 54%)
    I send gifts and cover reimbursements only to feel like an integral part of His life 🎁
    (9 votes 35%)
    I check if they cover basic expenses, or contribute towards improving His lifestyle instead 🤔
    (3 votes 12%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 26
    Jul 28 '23
    Intriguing poll, with provocative and complicated answers. I shall be thinking about this a great deal before I vote...
    Jul 28 '23
    not sure I understood the choices well so; I tribute to please, to show my admiration, my care for him & his wellness. . I don't think my small tributes make gis lifestyle better but making him smile or just be a bit happier at that moment would already be great.not sure I understood the choices well so; I tribute to please, to show my admiration, my care for him & his wellness. . I don't think my small tributes make gis lifestyle better but making him smile ...See more
    Jul 31 '23
    Ultimately when an alpha has got into your head so far that you are sending, the idea of that send being conditional on how it is expended isn't realistic. At that point we send because we are told to. It's the simplicity that makes it beautiful. No make, no fear and not purpose. Just doing because some people deserve it more than we oUltimately when an alpha has got into your head so far that you are sending, the idea of that send being conditional on how it is expended isn't realistic. At that point we send because we are told to...See more
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  • fag4lifelongservice
    Jul 29 '23
    4 members like this
    Jul 29 '23
    cheers fag, will wash the do all that gin i had tonight
    Aug 15 '23
    Haha, look who its. Welcome bro, im sure you will have fun
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  • fag4lifelongservice
    fag4lifelongservice is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 19 '23
    8 members like this
    Jul 19 '23
    Jul 19 '23
    Welcome 👏
    Jul 29 '23
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