

🕑 Last online: Jun 1


🕝 Last online Jun 1

39 years old, sub, Gay
United States United States, Pennsylvania
Joined Apr 24 '22

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  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag added towards Fagof2Sirs's Pillory tax total

    Begging and pleading to be spread apart for me like a slut.

    Tax paid to: Sexy_Superman
    Tax per like: 35 Tips (£3.50) 💸
    Tax per comment: 45 Tips (£4.50) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 5090 Tips (£509.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Jul 17 '23
    30 members like this
    Jul 18 '23
    I have a few questions fagof2 apart from how to proceed to win the millions lottery! Is it still fun when giving in so often, so frequently with such amounts?
    Jul 18 '23
    Always good to see my mutt under me
    Jul 19 '23
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  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag voted on cynic's poll
    Should Masters be able to sell their owned slaves to another Master, creating a real "slave market"?
    Yes, always.
    (82 votes 53%)
    Yes, but only with the slave's consent
    (64 votes 41%)
    No, never.
    (10 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 156
    Jul 5 '22
    Maybe then there's an appetite for a 'slave market'?
    Jul 6 '22
    I'd be curious how this vote looked if you polled slaves and masters seperately.
    Jan 24 '23
    This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves when the poll took place, then the number of votes for option 2 above could potentially be as high as 1.5 x 64 = 96 (assuming that all slaves would want a say in their transfer, which I suspect isn't the case at all!) and this clearly changes the result considerably.This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves w...See more
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  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag voted on enslaved's poll
    should dominants help slaves into debts for more serving?
    no this is & must stay a slave'decision
    (34 votes 33%)
    yes Masters should always expand slaves limits & help him into the joy of debts for Alphas
    (20 votes 19%)
    as a slave I fantasize about a strong Master ruining me for his fun & beneffits
    (10 votes 10%)
    as a Master I look for balanced relantioships making us both Master & sub happy
    (39 votes 38%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 103
    Jun 11 '22
    @SirWILLDC thank you for your comments Sir @FagAdam; you're right; as long as everyone has fun and is happy:-)
    Jun 15 '22
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- and in my personal experience that is often a harder sacrifice for them to make. Send less, overpay debts. They don't want to.
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- ...See more
    Jun 17 '22
    From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than have some uncaring anonymous agency making demands of someone I have chosen to take as mine.From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than hav...See more
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  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag moved up to a new position on the Sub Market


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 208

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    Jun 11 '22
    6 members like this
    Jun 11 '22
    Good job fag. Now open up for some more piss to keep you climbing as you serve
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  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag sent some Tips

    100 Tips (£10.00)

    Sent to SirLT
    For my target, Sir
    Jun 2 '22
    SirLT and EdWolf like this
  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag completed their target
    Target completed

    Show me

    The fag wants owned and wrecked. Is it just talk?
    Set by
    Set for

    100 Tips (£10.00) of 100 Tips (£10.00) / 100%

    Jun 2 '22
    SirLT and EdWolf like this
  • Gingerfag
    Gingerfag is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    May 1 '22
    9 members like this
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