

🕑 Last online: May 22


🕝 Last online May 22

35 years old, Dom, Bisexual
Canada Canada, Ontario
Joined May 13 '21

🏷 leather punk bisexual canada long term use

punkfindom has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Leather, Bondage, Fisting, CBT, Dungeon Play, Edging, Electro
About Me
Reasonably experienced Dom, branching out looking to see if there's a suitable faggot for my use.

Part of a larger BDSM/Leather Family.

Send a message if you're going to request a friendship. I'm not just here for a body count.
What I want
Looking for a trainable creature (some intelligence required, don't worry you won't have to think much for long), start off slow and to keep long term.
What experience do you have?
Plenty of BDSM experence, new to the findom element but picking it up as I go.

5' 10" / 178cm
145lb / 65.9kg
Foot size
8 UK / 43 EU /  9 US

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Stable of Punk

punkfindom has no subs in his stable

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punkfindom has no Pantheon points


punkfindom has no feedback

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1 albums total View all
  • punkfindom
    punkfindom liked Dustreloaded's Syphon results

    Total drain
    280 Tips (£28.00)

    Dom Tips drained

    32 Tips (£3.20)

    26 Tips (£2.60)

    23 Tips (£2.30)

    22 Tips (£2.20)

    21 Tips (£2.10)

    21 Tips (£2.10)

    17 Tips (£1.70)

    17 Tips (£1.70)

    14 Tips (£1.40)

    12 Tips (£1.20)

    11 Tips (£1.10)

    11 Tips (£1.10)

    11 Tips (£1.10)

    10 Tips (£1.00)

    9 Tips (£0.90)

    9 Tips (£0.90)

    7 Tips (£0.70)

    6 Tips (£0.60)

    1 Tips (£0.10)
    Sep 29 '23
    8 members like this
    Sep 29 '23
    Well drained !
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on Olgg's poll
    Only two options. What is the best name for the sub? An uncertain choice that can be decided by you 😂😁
    (9 votes 16%)
    (46 votes 84%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 55
    Sep 15 '23
    Sep 16 '23
    Well… looks like the people have spoken! 🐽
    Sep 16 '23
    Yeah 👍
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom liked German_Alpha's photo
    Sep 7 '23
    punkfindom and namelessfag like this
    Jan 23 '23
    Thank you so much!
    Sep 7 '23
    Not nearly enough to make clear how much better you are than every faggot slave here.. kisses to your feet, master
    Sep 7 '23
    You are absolutely right, YoungUnexperiencedFag!
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  • punkfindom
    I have been a member here for a year, as of yesterday. I am not going to bore you with my reflections of the last 366 days, but a recent newsfeed post has prompted me to write a few words.
    Over the year, I have noted a few posts in relation to “time wasters”.
    I must agree 100%, there are some time wasters on the site, but I don’t see any correlation with tips or the lack of. The time-wasting cunts that really are apparent are the ones who take no personal responsibility. Stop being a victim and stop whining. Most of the 💩 that happens to you is of your own making.
    The good thing about one’s woes being of their own creation is that one has the control to be able to alter the situation.
    Sep 6 '23
    18 members like this
    Sep 6 '23
    Wow, well said Sir!
    Sep 7 '23
    SeniorMaster always makes sense and it agrees with your wise comments Sir🙇‍♂️
    Oct 12 '23
    Has it been over a month since this already. Still a true voice of reasoning however
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on LardLord's status
    Having just had a session with a local sub, it's really got me thinking about what it means to me to be Dom.

    Since discovering that I could be a Dom without being makeful, a dickhead or just plain mean I have always therefore called myself a gentle Dom. As such I understand that I am in the minority, especially when it comes to online only interactions but the connections I have with the subs I do interact with are always so close and loving. I have a lot of love to give, so I choose to give that special commodity to those who serve me the way I want and deserve.

    I don't expect to have to resort to the makeful and intimidating ways to get people to do what I want. The subs I get along with are those who genuinely want to be there and serve and they feel lucky to do so. Subs who want a Dom to make them feel safe so they can do what they love and feel appreciated for it without any mental barriers and no bull💩 personas or drama.

    Does this mean I get less subs interested in me than the traditional Dom guys? Absolutely. But what it also means is those I do forge connections with run deeper, last longer and I can rest and relax knowing that both myself and the sub are living our best lives.

    I have no idea why I felt the need to get this off my chest but if you are a sub, Dom or otherwise who maybe feels like you don't fit the traditional roles just know you aren't alone. And if you feel like you need a Dom in your life who can be a positive and nurturing influence you know where my inbox is.
    Sep 5 '23
    12 members like this
    Sep 3 '23
    Seems a bit 'pick me' but good for you
    Sep 5 '23
    Variety, the spice of the fetish world. For every dozen cookie cutters I see there's one or two breaking a pattern just because that's how they operate. It's almost as if we all occasionally forget that the only rule to this is that we all agreed to enjoy ourselves how we see fit.

    I'm not the sort that rushes up on a sub or slave either, demanding their obedience. I don't take control. They surrender it to me. I find that much more satisfying. I don't chastise others for doing it their way, so long as everyone's having a good time and it all looks to be above board, it's fine in my books.
    Variety, the spice of the fetish world. For every dozen cookie cutters I see there's one or two breaking a pattern just because that's how they operate. It's almost as if we all occasionally forget th...See more
    Sep 5 '23
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on Olgg's poll
    My phone is probably starting to slowly destroy itself, it doesn't save energy like it used to, and constant bugs have started. Which smartphone brand do you recommend?
    (25 votes 30%)
    (50 votes 60%)
    (4 votes 5%)
    Other (comments)
    (4 votes 5%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 83
    Jul 10 '23
    Olgg Sir, get a landline or a pigeon. Pigeons are great at delivering messages unless they're randy and want a shag, in which case that message has got no chance. Shag or message?(Obvs).
    Jul 10 '23
    @Slave lol 😂😆
    Jul 14 '23
    Thanks everyone
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on enslaved's poll
    what is your first language? If other: write it on the comments bellow😉
    Spanish (Tu primera lengua es el español?
    (9 votes 17%)
    French? Le français est ta langue maternelle?
    (7 votes 13%)
    English (UK, Ireland, US, Australlian)
    (35 votes 65%)
    German ( deutsch ist deine muttersprache? (und biest du geil?😇
    (3 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jun 25 '23
    @Itafag88: scusi; I wanted to add Italian but only 4 otions possible😮Farò un altro sondaggio in italiano soprattutto per gli italiani😉
    Jun 26 '23
    Interesting outcome
    Jun 26 '23
    @SirSexy_superman: I would have added italian & dutch if it was possible to add more choices. Not everyone has voted but no wander English comes first, mosUK & US are the most represnted members & it is an English language site
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on Olgg's poll
    Fіndom is more than a game?
    (91 votes 80%)
    (11 votes 10%)
    Hard to answer
    (12 votes 11%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 114
    Mar 24 '23
    @Slave it's very cool 👍
    Mar 29 '23
    I think we have a winner...
    Mar 29 '23
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom liked MasterOfAll's status
    Those saying £13,500 isn't a lot and that the subs here can do better...

    Can I remind people that we have been in a global pandemic now for about a year.

    Many people have lost their businesses, jobs or are on reduced hours.

    Not to mention that we have just had xmas and a long January month.

    Add on top of that the worry and stress many may be experiencing.

    It might not seem like a lot to you, but to a lot of subs they have probably given all they can and it is not okay to make them feel like they aren't doing enough.

    It's not all about the money, at all. I love running this site, I love the community and what we have here. If you're here just for the money and want to shame those who may already be having a hard time I have one thing to say - fuck you.

    If anyone is going through a difficult time please know that the majority of us here are understanding and for us it's not all money related.

    If you need to talk please use the chatroom or newsfeed, I am sure you will find the support you need.

    Take care,
    Feb 11 '23
    45 members like this
    Feb 11 '23
    money is indeed not the most important thing in this wonderful community where everyone feels good & have fun. It is not the most important part for subs nor for great, real, hot Alpha men, Those words & thought you wrote are precious and important for many guys. you are sharing a feeling & things that many subs think & go through but only a few will tell, Important words also for those who don't have a lot of money and those who are going through difficult times. Thanks to you; everyone can have fun and meet here.
    You have created a gorgeous place that has become very important for many members
    Thank you very much Master for running this beautiful place🤩👍😍🙏
    money is indeed not the most important thing in this wonderful community where everyone feels good & have fun. It is not the most important part for subs nor for great, real, hot Alpha men, Those word...See more
    Feb 12 '23
    Those are true words, it's a great community here, but there are also black sheep everywhere who don't understand the actual meaning and just want to rip off. I don't need your money to finance me, I just enjoy being able to treat myself to a little extra every now and then.

    If the subs feel comfortable with you, the wallet will open up all by itself. 😉🤑
    Those are true words, it's a great community here, but there are also black sheep everywhere who don't understand the actual meaning and just want to rip off. I don't need your money to finance me, I ...See more
    Feb 12 '23
    Sure but it was very probably just trashtalk by someone showing his middle finger thinking he had a powerful vibe.
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on MasterOfAll's status
    So, after getting messed around earlier in the year I've decided to pick up the site re-brand stuff again.

    I just paid £2.5k to a professional design studio to come up with some designs.

    I'm hoping to get it all done and sorted ready for the 10th anniversary next year.

    The re-brand will not only include a new logo and design for the site, but also a new name and URL.
    Nov 2 '22
    20 members like this
    Nov 2 '22
    Think carefully about what you change and what you keep the same. There are definitely design issues to be addressed, but I’d hate to see the site lose what makes it special
    Nov 2 '22
    Whatever I do and whatever changes I make there will always be some people who moan and don't like it. After running this site for 9 years I don't listen now, I do what I want and it usually works out, the site has always grown year on year. I have a good feel on what the site needs and what people want. Quite a few people moaned and said they'd leave after adult material was removed, they didn't. At the end of the day most people don't like change but then come to accept it. Just trust I know want I'm doing.Whatever I do and whatever changes I make there will always be some people who moan and don't like it. After running this site for 9 years I don't listen now, I do what I want and it usually works out...See more
    Nov 2 '22
    Re-branding is always tricky, but expanding and evolving in the direction that you want to go is always the right call. If someone has their own ideas, there's a whole friggin internet out there that they can go start up their own site on.
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on Aleksei's poll
    I'm curious if there would be any interest for a type of target WITHOUT a set end date, but instead includes an interest rate over time (and maybe a max amount owed at once)
    I'd want that / That sounds interesting
    (25 votes 76%)
    Meh, I don't need that / I wouldn't use it at all because I prefer the current system
    (8 votes 24%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 33
    Jul 27 '22
    I love interests; @ straighthungmaster makes me pay those on my completed targets; see my profile! That is why a target needs a date! Thank you Master for your hot targets & added interests
    Jul 27 '22
    Yes, but those are manually added. It would be nice for there to be a feature for the site to track those for us. But that's just an idea. I have no clue how difficult that would be to program.
    Aug 29 '22
    Unsure if adding an interest aspect might create a legal tangle for moa to deal with 🤔
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on FootMasterUK's poll
    Should I unlock my fag on 1 December 2022 then re-lock him 1 January 2023???
    (43 votes 67%)
    (21 votes 33%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 64
    Jul 18 '22
    It'd be better to enter the New Year as you mean to go on, rather than locking after NYE.
    Jul 19 '22
    that is something you 2 should made up together. Locking & unlocking should always be something both Master & slave have agree together. you can not keep a slave against your will anyway and even if you could; would that be fun & bring any satiqfaction?that is something you 2 should made up together. Locking & unlocking should always be something both Master & slave have agree together. you can not keep a slave against your will anyway and even if y...See more
    Jul 20 '22
    Enslaved, I would NEVER keep my slave locked against his will or mine, I would do it so both parties have fun
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on cynic's poll
    Should Masters be able to sell their owned slaves to another Master, creating a real "slave market"?
    Yes, always.
    (82 votes 53%)
    Yes, but only with the slave's consent
    (64 votes 41%)
    No, never.
    (10 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 156
    Jul 5 '22
    Maybe then there's an appetite for a 'slave market'?
    Jul 6 '22
    I'd be curious how this vote looked if you polled slaves and masters seperately.
    Jan 24 '23
    This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves when the poll took place, then the number of votes for option 2 above could potentially be as high as 1.5 x 64 = 96 (assuming that all slaves would want a say in their transfer, which I suspect isn't the case at all!) and this clearly changes the result considerably.This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves w...See more
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom liked Sub_Berlin_86's Syphon results

    Total drain
    120 Tips (£12.00)

    Dom Tips drained

    23 Tips (£2.30)

    21 Tips (£2.10)

    16 Tips (£1.60)

    12 Tips (£1.20)

    12 Tips (£1.20)

    9 Tips (£0.90)

    6 Tips (£0.60)

    6 Tips (£0.60)

    6 Tips (£0.60)

    5 Tips (£0.50)

    4 Tips (£0.40)
    Jun 28 '22
    8 members like this
    Jun 28 '22
    Sub Berlin, the sexiest Sub in Town, and the Syphon KING 👑
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom liked MasterOfAll's status

    Currently Tips are paid out to Doms once a month, this is a mostly automated process, however I do need to manually send some payments.

    Over the next couple of weeks I aim to make this process fully automated with our new Revolut connections.

    Doms will be able to save their bank details and then select what bank they want the payment made to.

    Rough times for payments to be received would be as follows:

    To a Revolut account - Instant
    GBP to a UK account - Within 2 hours (usually instant)
    EUR payments via SEPA - Max 3 working days (usually 1 or 2 working days)
    All other currencies - Max 5 working days

    Premium members will have their payments processed immediately and received within the timeframes above, non premium members will still have their payments sent out monthly.

    Revolut also allow the tracking of payments so you will easily be able to see when the payment was made by us and it's current status within the banking system.
    Jun 20 '22
    26 members like this
    Jun 20 '22
    Great MoA!
    Aug 28 '22
    Although 'old news' just passing comment as it popped up on the home wall...sure the Doms are loving this MasterofAll... as good as the notes being handed over physically. Nice one
    Aug 28 '22
    Yeah it's not quite ready yet but will be soon. I've had a lot of other work on, and as you can imagine fully automated payments need to be tested extensively. It should be done by the end of September.
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  • punkfindom
    Congrats on being Master of the Day! Woof!
    Jun 18 '22
    MasterTrigger and punkfindom like this
  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on enslaved's poll
    should dominants help slaves into debts for more serving?
    no this is & must stay a slave'decision
    (34 votes 33%)
    yes Masters should always expand slaves limits & help him into the joy of debts for Alphas
    (20 votes 19%)
    as a slave I fantasize about a strong Master ruining me for his fun & beneffits
    (10 votes 10%)
    as a Master I look for balanced relantioships making us both Master & sub happy
    (39 votes 38%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 103
    Jun 11 '22
    @SirWILLDC thank you for your comments Sir @FagAdam; you're right; as long as everyone has fun and is happy:-)
    Jun 15 '22
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- and in my personal experience that is often a harder sacrifice for them to make. Send less, overpay debts. They don't want to.
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- ...See more
    Jun 17 '22
    From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than have some uncaring anonymous agency making demands of someone I have chosen to take as mine.From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than hav...See more
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on MasterOfAll's status
    So, a bit of an update for you -

    We removed adult content from the site at the beginning of May this year.
    There were a few people who said they would leave, or felt that removing the adult content would hurt the site, and honestly it was a worry for me, but here's the thing...

    In April a total of £19,129 was purchased through the site, this includes Tips, premium subscriptions, paying for profiles etc - basically anything where you have to pay via card, crypto or bank payment.

    In May that went up to £25,806, that's an increase of almost 35%!

    Now, I don't know if that's because changing to Revolut and paying with Apple/Google/Revolut pay is easier or what, but the site is certainly still very VERY healthy.

    The numbers for June are also looking very good, already at half way through the month we're sitting at £18,575.

    The number of users joining has also remained steady and even gone up slightly.

    I guess it shows that you don't have to wave your dick about or spread your hole to be successful 😏
    Jun 16 '22
    21 members like this
    Jun 16 '22
    Jun 16 '22
    Maintaining quality and quantity users, well done MoA.
    Jun 17 '22
    Great news, mate! Well deserved success!
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom voted on MasterOfAll's poll
    I'm thinking of adding a page where users can advertise their businesses/services.

    Question - Do you have a business/service that you'd want to advertise? The advert could be anonymous.
    Yes, I'd love some free advertising!
    (40 votes 35%)
    No, I don't have anything to advertise
    (74 votes 65%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 114
    May 28 '22
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cleaning, haircuts and manscaping, etc... I've thought how I'd love to be able to find a slave / fag to come out and do this work for Me instead
    I'm liking the idea / suggestion made by @kinkypuppy
    Often times when I've been looking to hire someone for some work, whether it be electrical work, plumbing... or even just general house cle...See more
    Apr 21 '23
    I missed this pole, I would love to advertise my art
    Apr 21 '23
    can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertizing something? I heard some XL great Master could eventually & maybe create a page onpage. Could I eventually advertize about that on your site? Just an idea; ads to g gay sites who will pay you to appear on your site & pay you even more if someone register. Same for undies, kink/ gay/men shops. The site would pay you each time someone will buy on their site from yours. Any gay politician that would love his campain poster. Advertizing your site on your site would be a little absurd. Advertizing new & special gifts (tributes)🤩 a black place somewhere on the site and tell people they have to give you tips.can we advertize a Master we fancy? yes I want ads if it brings you up otherwhise I don't care, your decision is always the best. This site is the living proof of my words😇 can we pay without advertiz...See more
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  • punkfindom
    punkfindom commented on MasterOfAll's status

    As announced the other month some big site changes have recently been made and are active from today.

    These changes will allow Owned Fags more freedom and open up more opportunities for the future, as we will not be held back by overpowering regulations.

    Here is a summary of the changes -

    1) Removal of adult/explicit material. This needed to be done due to new laws being introduced in the UK which would have required us to age check every visitor before they even enter the site. Obviously this is not practical. On top of the over bearing rules set on us my VISA and Mastercard the decision to remove adult material and keep it to DMs was made. Removing the adult material also meant we could make the following changes detailed below 👇

    2) A new payment provider - Revolut. Revolut offer lower processing fees and also more payment options such as Google, Apple and Revolut pay.

    3) The word filter has been removed, only a few certain words remain on the word filter, as well as the names of other payment providers. We have our own Tipping system here which we encourage users to use. If you want to discuss anything else you must do it offsite where you accept full risk.

    4) You no longer need to upload identification documents to upload content, if you are a Dom you will still need to upload documents to withdraw your Tips though in order to comply with money laundering laws.

    5) There is now a lower withdraw fee for Doms. This has been lowered by 2% (it is now 14%) and we will be lowering it again in a few months.

    The positives well outweigh the negatives here and opens up new opportunities for the site.

    As said before we will also be renaming and rebranding to reflect the new focused approach to findom and ownership. More details on this will be released over the next few months.

    Thank you,
    Apr 1 '22
    21 members like this
    Apr 1 '22
    The positives massively outweigh the negatives here, well done on all the hard work you've put into this!
    Apr 1 '22
    Thank you, MOA, for making this place so special, and a safe place for us all, subs and Doms.
    Apr 1 '22
    thank you again for your work on this fabulous site MasterOfAll
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