

🕑 Last online: Mar 4


🕝 Last online Mar 4

29 years old, Dom, Straight
Romania Romania
Joined Feb 3

🏷 No profile tags

JohnnyCash has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer
JohnnyCash's stable

JohnnyCash has no subs in his stable

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  • JohnnyCash
    JohnnyCash voted on Slave's poll
    MASTERS ONLY! And I create this Poll with a cheeky smile on my face Sirs. How would you describe your reasons for being here? 😄
    I'm here for a stimulating combination of control and dominance. I seek to guide and train a sub.
    (21 votes 57%)
    I'm here for fun, to be entertained, to end the the boredom of gym-life, selfies and mirror gazing.
    (5 votes 14%)
    I have a HUGE cock, where else would I be?!
    (4 votes 11%)
    Shut the fuck up and give me your tips you worthless loser.
    (7 votes 19%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 37
    Feb 5
    Feb 7
    I said earlier on another post that I was always sad to see people leave the site. I retract my previous words! 😂😂
    Feb 7
    Be quiet slut. Have some respect and enjoy the ride! This is just the beginning ‼️
    Feb 8
    He needs his own show 😂🍿
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  • JohnnyCash
    JohnnyCash commented on them being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Feb 3
    6 members like this
    Feb 3
    thanks, pig.
    Feb 3
    Feb 3
    thanks :)
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