

🕑 Last online: Jul 13


🕝 Last online Jul 13

lock This sub is owned by Chubmaster001

54 years old, sub, Gay
France France, 75018, PARIS
Joined Feb 5 '23

🏷 No profile tags

Type of meets
Here for
Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship
Sub market points
JustVener's position in the Sub Market is 187 with 20 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 01:39

JustVener has no feedback

  • JustVener
    JustVener moved up to a new position on the Sub Market


    Moved up from position 537

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    May 19
    Arnaudb38 and iamalexnowak like this
  • JustVener
    JustVener voted on Olgg's poll
    My phone is probably starting to slowly destroy itself, it doesn't save energy like it used to, and constant bugs have started. Which smartphone brand do you recommend?
    (25 votes 30%)
    (50 votes 60%)
    (4 votes 5%)
    Other (comments)
    (4 votes 5%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 83
    Jul 10 '23
    Olgg Sir, get a landline or a pigeon. Pigeons are great at delivering messages unless they're randy and want a shag, in which case that message has got no chance. Shag or message?(Obvs).
    Jul 10 '23
    @Slave lol 😂😆
    Jul 14 '23
    Thanks everyone
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  • JustVener
    JustVener voted on enslaved's poll
    what is your first language? If other: write it on the comments bellow😉
    Spanish (Tu primera lengua es el español?
    (9 votes 17%)
    French? Le français est ta langue maternelle?
    (7 votes 13%)
    English (UK, Ireland, US, Australlian)
    (35 votes 65%)
    German ( deutsch ist deine muttersprache? (und biest du geil?😇
    (3 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jun 25 '23
    @Itafag88: scusi; I wanted to add Italian but only 4 otions possible😮Farò un altro sondaggio in italiano soprattutto per gli italiani😉
    Jun 26 '23
    Interesting outcome
    Jun 26 '23
    @SirSexy_superman: I would have added italian & dutch if it was possible to add more choices. Not everyone has voted but no wander English comes first, mosUK & US are the most represnted members & it is an English language site
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  • JustVener
    JustVener sent some Tips

    500 Tips (£50.00)

    Sent to Chubmaster001
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to You, my very dear owner !
    Mar 16 '23
    6 members like this
  • JustVener
    JustVener liked Chubmaster001's status
    A faggot's bond to his Master is much more than about money. Yes that is an enjoyable part of it. However to truly own someone in both mind and spirit is what turns me on. For a fag to know his place is at my feet and express it with service is something that will never get old.
    Mar 9 '23
    YellowBandit, Slave and JustVener like this
    Mar 9 '23
    Slave, I believe those other aspects come naturally as you get to know each other.
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  • JustVener
    JustVener was accepted into Chubmaster001's stable 'Chubmaster001's stable'

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    ⛓ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    ⛓ View your private messages
    ⛓ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    ⛓ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    ⛓ Put you in the Dungeon

    Feb 7 '23
    6 members like this
    Feb 7 '23
    Thanks Superman. This fag finally found where he belongs. I plan to enjoy him fully.
    Feb 8 '23
    congratulations; have lots of fun together😍👍
    Feb 8 '23
    Congrats to both of Y/you.
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  • JustVener
    JustVener is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Feb 5 '23
    4 members like this
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