

🕑 Last online: 9 minutes ago


🕝 Last online 9 minutes ago

29 years old, Dom, Gay
New Zealand New Zealand
Joined Sep 18 '19

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MasterPayne148 has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship
Findom, Humiliation, Feet
About Me
I'm a reasonably new Cash Master, finding my way in this world. A young Kiwi keen to show off my feet, dominant some little fags and drain their wallets. I value loyalty and honesty towards a superior.

Cash slaves, I am accepting obediences. I am a human being and so are you, you give as much or as little as you want, i want to have some fun with this, its not all about the money.

Treat me with respect and you shall receive the same from me.

Its time for all of my pathetic peasants to grovel down at my feet and bow down before their new Prince. I shall exact a high toll from my peasants since you live and work on my land and earn me money. Devote yourselves to me, Prince Jackson
What I want
To meet new people, to have fun and to enjoy the devotion of lesser men.

5' 9.2" / 176cm
230lb / 104.5kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour

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MasterPayne148's stable
MasterPayne148 has 3 subs in his stable.
Pantheon Points
MasterPayne148's position in the Pantheon is 39 with 600 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 02:12






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  • HAL9000
    HAL9000 wanted to let you know that a new member just verified, to find out who click here
  • MasterPayne148
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  • HAL9000
    HAL9000 wanted to let you know that a new member just verified, to find out who click here
  • HAL9000
    HAL9000 wanted to let you know that a new member just verified, to find out who click here
  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 voted on Slave's poll
    🐮 Stables! 🐴 What feels more appropriate to YOU? A Dom telling a sub to enter their Stable or a sub waiting and choosing to enter a Dom's Stable?
    🤔 If a Dom generously offers the chance of Stable life the sub should accept it gratefully.
    🤔 A sub should ignore offers from a Dom and only enter a stable if and when they wish to.
    🤔 Stables are meaningless.
    🤔 I'll get back to you on this one Slave - frenchbottomslut's option ONLY.
    Poll ends 28th Jul 24, 01:00
    Jul 23
    Jul 24
    a dom asking a sub to join his stable could be a dream coming true for the sub at least when it's a real dom the sub likes. Otherwhise please remind me; what is a stable for except from having the "right" to pay more?
    Jul 24
    Enslaved, I like the way you think!
    Jul 24
    All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ought to know what to do in that instance, and some prostration is assuredly involved). And certainly, some stables do seem completely meaningless.All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ...See more
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 voted on enslaved's poll
    Do you value honesty, integrity and truth in a dom or sub?
    I don't really care about who he is, what he thinks & how he is as long I can make money (give money
    I care about his behavoor, wishes & feelings as truth is the main step to success
    it's just about degrading people and tips, isn't it!? I don't care what he says like & feels
    findom is about money, not about personnality. Dom orders, sub obey & nothing else matters
    Poll ends 27th Jul 24, 17:20
    Jul 20
    Jul 19
    Care is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to watch for the signs and make sure it hasn't went to far. A sub zeroed out his account for me one time and I ended up sending him most back. There's not many that wouldCare is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to wat...See more
    Jul 19
    Very important no matter at what level or how unethical or sadistic one is. What that means is different per slave/ dom but important regardless
    Jul 20
    @SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept💋😍 @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added👍 as a sub it's great to see doms who know better than ; I want to make money as for what you feel; get lost sub. A dom doesn't need use tricks to prove he is a dom; it can be seen & feel. Being a dom doesn't neither mean to insult or ignore others. Beautifully said men. you surely deserve to be called Sir@SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept💋😍 @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added👍 as a sub it's great to see doms who know be...See more
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that TommySussy is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 20
    4 members like this
  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that SamUk05 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

    My faggot has been gooning all day while I was at work, and then even more after when I had errands to run. Help him know that his dedication was worth it, drain my faggot 😈

    Tax paid to: Late_start2022
    Tax per like: 50 Tips (£5.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1270 Tips (£127.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Jul 15
    19 members like this
    Jul 16
    Thanks guys
    Jul 16
    Good boy mutt
    Jul 19
    sorry I missed it
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that Machungwa is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 10
    7 members like this
  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that Indolent is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 9
    6 members like this
    Jul 9
    Jul 9
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 commented on Aussiesub being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 8
    13 members like this
    Jul 8
    Jul 18
    Welcome to the site
    Jul 18
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Moved up from position 48

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    Jul 7
  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 voted on ProjectTitan's poll
    What's you status?
    🔴 Single Dom
    (28 votes 39%)
    🟠 Single $ub
    (18 votes 25%)
    ❤️ Dom in R-ship
    (13 votes 18%)
    🧡 Sub in R-ship (owned)
    (13 votes 18%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 72
    Jul 4
    Jul 5
    Looks like single doms indeed dominating 😎🤭
    Jul 9
    i am wondering what Sir Nike voted for.
    Jul 9
    I was thinking about that when I was creating the poll. But I think 🔐 is telling everything 😎
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that MasterAug is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 29
    4 members like this
    Jun 30
    Welcome, Sir.
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that B123 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 24
    8 members like this
    Apr 27
    Welcome slave
    Apr 29
    Welcome, sub
    Jun 24
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that User_friendlySF is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 15
    7 members like this
    Jun 17
    Jun 19
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that FilthyPiggyJack is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 15
    Welcome to the site, eager to play I see already testing out the games here.
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 liked that MelbFinMASTER is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 13
    5 members like this
    Jan 10
    Jan 10
    Jan 11
    Welcome to OF, Sir.
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  • MasterPayne148
    MasterPayne148 voted on Slave's poll
    Today I was checking out a hot man on the train! Would it be dangerous to speak to a stranger about Findom and then ask them if they would like a slave?
    IT'S DANGEROUS! The stranger will slap you and call the police!
    (6 votes 14%)
    IT'S A GREAT IDEA! Every man needs a Findom slave. They would jump at the chance!
    (12 votes 29%)
    WHY BOTHER? Forget strangers. This site has all the Doms any sub could ever need.
    (24 votes 57%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 42
    Jun 11
    Jun 12
    it's dangerous Slave; he will want to take your money, to steal your clotes to sell them & you will need to scratch him. Even worse ; he could eventually want to fuck you in public while singing about "Venus" on a 'cruel summer'. "I heard a rumour" saying doms can be extremely venal. It's not always about "love, truth & honesty'. I met a dom once & "help"; it wasn't 'love in the first degree' even though to me it was 'the first thing on my mind'. I thought 'it ain't what you do' while he rather rather thought: "more more more'. I thought he would say I' m tripping on your love but I found out it was a 'trick of the night". Since then I am experiencing 'every shade of blue' & realized you are my "favourite" on all this findom "masquerade". 😘😍😍💋it's dangerous Slave; he will want to take your money, to steal your clotes to sell them & you will need to scratch him. Even worse ; he could eventually want to fuck you in public while singing about...See more
    Jun 17
    Why bother when all you could ever want is right here
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