

πŸ•‘ Last online: May 27


πŸ• Last online May 27

lock This sub is owned by MasterPayne148

33 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Jun 11 '22

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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on Slave's poll
    Sometimes my dog watches me when I have a wank. Is that weird?
    (13 votes 36%)
    (23 votes 64%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 36
    Jan 26 '23
    Heel you know that's not true. My dog watches because I have the biggest banger EVER. Plus I have MASSIVE balls and he had his chopped off. Like Masters, he's jealous of me.
    Jan 27 '23
    @Stan,; you naughty boy; looking at your daddy's XXL dick @ Slave: you just revealed your own secret! you're going to frustrate all the Sirs one more time! you should not reveal such big info. Especially as your balls are even bigger. Sir Straight told me about your paddles collection.@Stan,; you naughty boy; looking at your daddy's XXL dick @ Slave: you just revealed your own secret! you're going to frustrate all the Sirs one more time! you should not reveal such big info. Especia...See more
    Jan 28 '23
    Thanks for the result. My dog can watch whenever he likes...
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot sent MasterPayne148 a gift!
  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on Slave's poll
    What makes a GREAT Master? You can ONLY choose ONE option! Decisions, decisions...
    Good looks and sex appeal πŸ’ͺ
    (7 votes 11%)
    Care, commitment and compassion πŸ‘Ό
    (50 votes 76%)
    Regular use of a middle finger πŸ‘†
    (2 votes 3%)
    Demands for Tips and TIPS and more TIPS πŸ’Έ
    (7 votes 11%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 66
    Jul 23 '22
    I don't see the correct answer in the options! A master has all these qualities together and that does not make him a great master, that goes further, it is essence, it is dynamic, it is personality, with its own criteria, integral and intellectual growth and development; masters are multifaceted, we can be aggressive and polite, abusive and compassionate, the perfect thing is that we are all different, all masters on this site are great!I don't see the correct answer in the options! A master has all these qualities together and that does not make him a great master, that goes further, it is essence, it is dynamic, it is personality, ...See more
    Jul 23 '22
    Not sure that the use of the middle finger is a big asset, although I won’t deny I can occasionally be efficient.
    Jul 23 '22
    it** (can be efficient)
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on FootMasterUK's poll
    How much longer should I keep my fag locked in chastity before letting him shoot his load
    Friday 22 July 2022
    (18 votes 31%)
    Thursday 27 October 2022
    (40 votes 69%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 58
    Jul 15 '22
    Then I know just tge ticket for you slave
    Jul 15 '22
    Never release it!!
    Jul 15 '22
    My sub does appreciate being locked up but he knows that it will be me who milks him
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot commented on their new position on the Sub Market


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 201

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    Jul 14 '22
    6 members like this
    Jul 14 '22
    Well done pup
    Jul 14 '22
    Thanks sir
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot sent MasterPayne148 a gift!
    Jul 14 '22
    MasterPayne148 and Phranklin like this
  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot completed their target
    Target completed

    A Test

    See how you handle this, pup
    Set for

    100 Tips (Β£10.00) of 100 Tips (Β£10.00) / 100%

    Jul 12 '22
    7 members like this
  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot sent some Tips

    85 Tips (Β£8.50)

    Sent to MasterPayne148
    Fuckkkkk πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅
    Jul 12 '22
    MasterJO and Phranklin like this
  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on Phranklin's poll
    Slaves: how should you be referred to?
    (12 votes 13%)
    (5 votes 5%)
    (59 votes 65%)
    (15 votes 16%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 91
    Jul 17 '22
    I prefer "cunt". Don't know why, really, it just comes natural.
    Sep 1 '22
    We have no say, As it should be!!
    Aug 31 '23
    slaves are slaves - what they are called depends on what makes em twitch into delivering
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on cynic's poll
    Should Masters be allowed to play Syphon?
    Hell yes! Their tips should go to slaves only.
    (13 votes 24%)
    Yes: tips to be distributed to fellow Masters only.
    (12 votes 22%)
    Yes, tips going to both Masters and slaves.
    (5 votes 9%)
    No way!!
    (24 votes 44%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jul 7 '22
    Yeah. Only switches would use it. It’s hard when you have to pick a slave account or a master account. Sometimes you are in different moods, but the account type lock on OF is rather limiting for switches.
    Jul 7 '22
    Option 6: All siphons drain to MasterTrigger. All of them, not just the new ones for Masters 😝
    Jul 7 '22
    You may end up with a fatberg, Sir!
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot was accepted into MasterPayne148's stable 'MasterPayne148's stable'

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    β›“ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    β›“ View your private messages
    β›“ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    β›“ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    β›“ Put you in the Dungeon

    Jul 2 '22
    7 members like this
    Jul 2 '22
    Nice. Hope you pair grow and enjoy
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot commented on them being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 2 '22
    5 members like this
    Jul 2 '22
    Thanks sirs!
    Jul 2 '22
    Jul 2 '22
    Fetch 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🦴
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  • Lockedscot
    Lockedscot voted on enslaved's poll
    should dominants help slaves into debts for more serving?
    no this is & must stay a slave'decision
    (34 votes 33%)
    yes Masters should always expand slaves limits & help him into the joy of debts for Alphas
    (20 votes 19%)
    as a slave I fantasize about a strong Master ruining me for his fun & beneffits
    (10 votes 10%)
    as a Master I look for balanced relantioships making us both Master & sub happy
    (39 votes 38%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 103
    Jun 11 '22
    @SirWILLDC thank you for your comments Sir @FagAdam; you're right; as long as everyone has fun and is happy:-)
    Jun 15 '22
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- and in my personal experience that is often a harder sacrifice for them to make. Send less, overpay debts. They don't want to.
    It can be a horny thought, sustainably and short term.
    But in my opinion, more debt is less control.
    That's my money paying the interest on those debts. I want to push subs out of debt- ...See more
    Jun 17 '22
    From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than have some uncaring anonymous agency making demands of someone I have chosen to take as mine.From my viewpoint, debt is just giving those who serve another Master that is not me. I'd rather have the ability to restrict their cash flow or release it in an emergency situation as needed than hav...See more
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