

πŸ•‘ Last online: Jul 21


πŸ• Last online Jul 21

36 years old, Dom, Straight
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Apr 1

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Real-Time, On-Line
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  • Mrworshipme
    Mrworshipme commented on their status
    Iv seen some amazing masters on here who know how to be served. Most have left, but u lucky slaves are lucky there are also some good 1s here. U slaves need to step up, before most masters fuck off from here on twitter. MOA has done a amazing job here for years. appreciate!
    Apr 20
    5 members like this
    Apr 20
    How do you tell a "wannabe master" @Mrworshipme?
    Apr 20
    @SirMrworshipme; I heard about that & noticed him was away wich is such a pitty as he was nice for everyone. Many miss him. It's never nice not to see people we like whatever doms & subs
    Apr 20
    It’s because you lack aura
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  • Mrworshipme
    Target completed


    Gave you a week for the last, done in 6 hours

    2500 Tips (Β£250.00) of 2500 Tips (Β£250.00) / 100%

    Apr 19
    16 members like this
    Apr 19
    Wow! We are all impressed πŸ’ͺ
    Apr 19
    Very impressed by my little faggot 😈
    Apr 19
    Just fulfilling my purpose to you, my God
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  • Mrworshipme
    Mrworshipme is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Apr 6
    4 members like this
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