

🕑 Last online: 2 hours ago


🕝 Last online 2 hours ago

21 years old, Dom, Bisexual
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Jan 27

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SkinnySadBoy has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Smoking, Edging
What I want
I want a obedient pathetic slave
What experience do you have?
I’ve been domming since before I was even legal…

6' 2" / 188cm
180lb / 81.8kg
Foot size
11 UK / 46 EU /  12 US
Eye colour

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SkinnySadBoy's stable

SkinnySadBoy has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points
SkinnySadBoy's position in the Pantheon is 89 with 300 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 15:58

SkinnySadBoy has no feedback

Photo Albums
1 albums total View all
  • As a young master, I’m still at university here in the uk. Anyone who’s been a student knows the fin...
    · Apr 7
  • I demand control… I’ve been controlling since before I was even legal… I’ve just turned 21 but stil...
    2 comments · Mar 27
  • Friends
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      What do you slaves think of my gown
      Jul 24
      servus likes this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


      Someone has overtaken this position since this post

      Moved up from position 533

      Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
      Jul 24
      servus and Phranklin like this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy just purchased a premium membership
      Premium benefits
      • 🌟 Upload unlimited photos
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      Jul 24
      servus and Phranklin like this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy created a new blog post
      Graduated from university… what now?
      The reason for my inactivity in the findom space was because I had to be grinding on my degree. Now it’s over I’m not sure how to feel. 
      The fre...
      May 29
      May 29
      Find something that does ignite you like controlling does. It doesn't have to be the grad job-- something where you are in control. Side hustle, trading/investing, your own business. Make sure you're passionate enough to get good at it-- findom can always afford you more time to get there-- i would box that in with luxury and leisure, but it wont give you the passion or the need to be in charge of your own productivity and output.

      Doing absolutely nothing else will always put you in a position of need/dependence and a lack of power, no matter how good you are at it.

      Never take it for granted or as a given beyond fetish-- never allocate bills to a roster of slaves, other than for the fun/excitement of it- don't need it
      Find something that does ignite you like controlling does. It doesn't have to be the grad job-- something where you are in control. Side hustle, trading/investing, your own business. Make sure you're ...See more
      May 29
      Even if you are as 'good' as you feel, do you want to be in a position where you'll perform for cash because rent is due?

      If you want control and autonomy, find the skill or passion, or business that will give you that-- and then take more ;-)
      Even if you are as 'good' as you feel, do you want to be in a position where you'll perform for cash because rent is due?

      If you want control and autonomy, find the skill or passion, or...See more
      May 29
      All that to say, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. If you're taking enough to not need it right now, take a gap year and indulge it-- but don't make it your life, upskill yourself in other ways if you don't find the passion in pursuing the job that your degree affords-- then you're in the best spot- qualified, pursuing passion and raking it in.All that to say, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. If you're taking enough to not need it right now, take a gap year and indulge it-- but don't make it your life, upskill yourself in other way...See more
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy commented on Mrworshipme's status
      Iv seen some amazing masters on here who know how to be served. Most have left, but u lucky slaves are lucky there are also some good 1s here. U slaves need to step up, before most masters fuck off from here on twitter. MOA has done a amazing job here for years. appreciate!
      Apr 20
      5 members like this
      Apr 20
      How do you tell a "wannabe master" @Mrworshipme?
      Apr 20
      @SirMrworshipme; I heard about that & noticed him was away wich is such a pitty as he was nice for everyone. Many miss him. It's never nice not to see people we like whatever doms & subs
      Apr 20
      It’s because you lack aura
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy 's poll has ended
      What is your opinion on masters having IRL girlfriends
      I’m a slave I don’t get an opinion
      (14 votes 19%)
      It’s a turn off
      (14 votes 19%)
      It doesn’t matter
      (35 votes 48%)
      It’s a turn on
      (10 votes 14%)
      This poll has ended, total votes - 73
      Apr 12
      Apr 7
      Apr 16
      Best stuff ?
      May 27
      whatever; we subs do it better indeed. No flowers, gifts & restaurants needed; straight to the point to fun
      You need to sign in to comment
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy created a new blog post
      I love being a Master
      As a young master, I’m still at university here in the uk. Anyone who’s been a student knows the financial hardship that comes with it, especially whe...
      Apr 7
      servus likes this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy voted on cynic's poll
      I am curious: does any Master on here use AI in their exchanges with slaves?
      No judgement (for a change! 🤪), just interested.
      (2 votes 12%)
      No, how dare you even thinking that! Bad faggot!
      (12 votes 71%)
      No, but I regularly re-use stuff from other email exchanges
      (2 votes 12%)
      No, I find all I need on Google (note: other search engines are available)
      (1 votes 6%)
      This poll has ended, total votes - 17
      Apr 3
      Apr 6
      ⬆️ ha ha Senior. You’d def be on my ‘phone a friend’ with your intellect !
      Apr 6
      A worrying poll. Almost half the Dom respondents freely admit that they cheat, lie or steal...
      Apr 6
      You can use ai during exchanges?
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      Mar 30
      5 members like this
      Apr 4
      Very handsome, Sir.
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    • SkinnySadBoy

      Total drain
      391 Tips (£39.10)

      Dom Tips drained

      391 Tips (£39.10)
      Mar 27
      18 members like this
      Mar 27
      Mar 27
      where iz his tips? He lost his cookies.
      Mar 27
      Good job, boy!
      You need to sign in to comment
    • SkinnySadBoy
      I demand control…

      I’ve been controlling since before I was even legal… I’ve just turned 21 but still have a hairless, defined and clear skinned body.

      I’m looking for a sub that wants to be mindfucked like never before, give me control of their life, humiliate them for what they are. An it. A slave.

      If you’re obedient, submissive and a waste of space. You know what to do.

      My PMs are open
      Mar 27
      servus and MstrD like this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy added a new video You like my skin?
      Mar 27
      servus and subjeffie like this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy commented on their blog post
      Young Experienced Master Looking to Control
      I demand control…
      I’ve been controlling since before I was even legal… I’ve just turned 21 but still have a hairless, defined and clear skinned body....
      Mar 27
      servus likes this
      Mar 27
      Wouldn't this be better on your profile instead of a blog?
      Mar 27
      This would have more outreach?
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Mar 18
      frenchbottomslut, servus and MstrD like this
    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Subs guess how big my dick is. Closest gets my Snapchat
      Jan 27
      4 members like this
      Mar 26
      As a fister, I can tell you that you might be surprised how far they go ;)
      Mar 26
      8 ins sir on a very good day
      Mar 26
      The sky is the limit... Or the arm ;)
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      Is there anyone in the north of the UK yearning to embrace their submissive side fully? My journey into real-life domination has been a solo one. I’ve yet to meet someone who matches my appetite for control and obedience. Someone who not only seeks to be dominated but craves to be controlled to the depths they secretly desire.

      As a final-year university student by day and a master of domination by night, I bring a fresh, intelligent approach to dominance. It’s not just about exerting control for me; it’s about creating a space where power dynamics are explored with respect and a mutual thirst for the extraordinary.

      My path in the world of domination stands unique. Young, yet imbued with an understanding beyond my years; not born into affluence, but rich in the art of psychological play and control. My life hasn’t been a journey of financial luxury, but one of relentless determination and an insatiable desire to delve into the deeper nuances of dominance and obedience.

      In me, you will find a Dom who values authenticity and honesty above all. I offer no pretense, no facade of a life I don’t lead. Instead, I invite you into experiences that are raw, real, and exhilarating. My domination transcends physical control, focusing on mental captivation, where my commands stimulate both body and mind.

      I seek subs who crave not just any Dom, but a mentor; someone who can unlock the depths of their submissive nature and explore boundaries they’ve yet to confront. Whether experienced in the lifestyle or new to the scene, I provide a haven where your boundaries are honored, your limits are explored, and your deepest kinks are indulged.

      As we embark on this journey together, understand that I am here to lead with a firm hand and an insightful mind. Your obedience is not just a gift; it’s a sacred exchange of trust and power. Together, we will traverse the landscape of your obedience, challenging norms and discovering uncharted territories of pleasure.

      If you are in the north of the UK and seek a Dom who is genuine, commanding, and dedicated to creating profoundly satisfying dominant-submissive dynamics, then let your journey begin with me. Embrace this chance to engage in a connection where dominance is crafted with skill, care, and an unwavering commitment to mutual fulfillment.
      Jan 27
      4 members like this
      Jan 27
      Keep it short and sweet s*n
      Jan 27
      Nicely written. Now used it to edit your profile and place it there so everyone can see it without having to read your blogs. DM me if you need help finding it.
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      I feel like I came across the wrong way yesterday and have spent the last hour worried that I’ve lost my chance at being accepted in this community.

      I should have been more graceful with your guys tips, I’m going to get my photos verified and profile filled out.

      I think I just got a bit defensive about how people judged me because I’m a broke Dom. I know a lot of you guys are older and have proper jobs and money. Im just a young student who’s not been born into a money at all, and I don’t think this is a good reason for people to question my sexuality and kinks, accuse me of being disingenuous.

      I don’t want to lie about anything that I put on this profile. So those telling me to restart and say I have money because it’s a turn off, I accept that you are not the sub for me and I’m not the Dom for you. I’m open and honest about my life and how I feel about things, my past subs have liked this because they know I mean the things that I say I’m going to do with them.

      So I’m sorry for my post yesterday please forgive me. But I hope you guys understand that I’m going to keep being me.
      Jan 27
      4 members like this
      Jan 27
      On a serious note I think this massage today shows you as a genuine person. Knowing someone may be in need of cash can be OK, but you need to display other aspects that position you as a Superior Male.
      It’s not always easy, but can work well at the end of the day.
      On a serious note I think this massage today shows you as a genuine person. Knowing someone may be in need of cash can be OK, but you need to display other aspects that position you as a Superior Male...See more
      Jan 27
      Message not massage**. But I can gladly give a try to the latter, Sir.
      Jan 27
      I would follow @denied suggestion about deleting the other post. It really gives a bad image of you, even if you reflect on it in this new one. You'll come to understand that good findom is about connections and patience. You'll need to make the sub want to serve you, instead of demanding it without knowing them at all just because. I've always said there's a thin line between a good Dom and a clown (don't take me wrong, I'm generalizing).

      About your profile, I'll suggest to read other Dom's profiles. All of us have changed it several times seeing what works and what doesn't and you could find inspiration there to help you speak your truth. Every Dom is unique and you'll need to find your own voice, but it still helps.
      I would follow @denied suggestion about deleting the other post. It really gives a bad image of you, even if you reflect on it in this new one. You'll come to understand that good findom is about conn...See more
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    • SkinnySadBoy
      SkinnySadBoy is now verified
      Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
      Jan 27
      servus and MstrD like this
      Jan 27
      Welcome to OF, Sir.
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