

πŸ•‘ Last online: Apr 20


πŸ• Last online Apr 20

27 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined May 20 '23

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Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Friendship, Whatever
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  • PuppySub
    PuppySub voted on Slave's poll
    I meant to send Nikesub 5 tips (50p). I accidentally sent him 50 tips (Β£5.00). Should HE do the right thing, prove he is a decent, kind man and reimburse me 45 tips (Β£4.50). It is Christmas... πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ
    πŸ˜ƒ YES - I would HATE Nike forever if he doesn't send the money back.
    (17 votes 23%)
    πŸ˜’ NO - Subs, especially handsome Slave, deserve to suffer.
    (57 votes 77%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 74
    Dec 31 '23
    Jan 1
    people at least finally realized you are handsome
    Jan 1
    Bugger. πŸ˜‚. You could not be more English with that one word. Love you slave. 😍
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  • PuppySub
    PuppySub voted on Slave2023's poll
    Who does a drain provide more satisfaction to?
    The sub.
    (8 votes 22%)
    The Dom.
    (8 votes 22%)
    The sub, except if the Dom drawing is SkinBossDan.
    (1 votes 3%)
    The level of satisfaction is the same.
    (19 votes 53%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 36
    Dec 9 '23
    A lot of people are confusing satisfaction with benefit it seems
    Dec 9 '23
    Yes, they are!
    Dec 9 '23
    Ha ha ha 😝
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  • PuppySub
    PuppySub liked that UKFindomMaster is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Sep 3 '23
    5 members like this
  • PuppySub
    PuppySub liked UKFindomMaster's status
    Looking for a good serving finsub. Could you be the one?
    Sep 3 '23
    mercosun318 and PuppySub like this
  • PuppySub
    PuppySub sent masterzal a gift!
    May 27 '23
    Phranklin likes this
  • PuppySub
    PuppySub is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    May 27 '23
    Welcome pup
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  • PuppySub
    PuppySub voted on enslaved's poll
    you are? Do not hesitate to develop your answer, wishes and research in your profile.😊your comments on polls also great to readπŸ‘
    you are: a straight dominant?
    (12 votes 11%)
    you are: a gay dominant
    (39 votes 35%)
    you are:: a gay submissive
    (56 votes 50%)
    you are: a straight sub (towards Alpha men)
    (4 votes 4%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 111
    May 22 '23
    Asexual people don't want anyone in their bed ;) intersex people are people are people that have reproductive parts of both sexes I guess and make up about 2% of the population, the same amount as ginger people and you wouldn't tell me that ginger people don't existAsexual people don't want anyone in their bed ;) intersex people are people are people that have reproductive parts of both sexes I guess and make up about 2% of the population, the same amount as gin...See more
    May 22 '23
    May 24 '23
    Congratulations Enslaved. Your poll caught the popular mood....
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