

๐Ÿ•‘ Last online: Yesterday, 21:06


๐Ÿ• Last online Yesterday, 21:06

lock This sub is owned by BS37Skin

49 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Aug 29 '23

๐Ÿท No profile tags

card_giftcard stars

Type of meets
Here for
Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Friendship
Piss, Leather, Boots, Skinhead, Bondage, Smoking, CBT
About Me
Gay Skinhead faggot looking to service its OWNERS boots and cashcock and for its OWNER to fuck over its wallet and account

It exists to be under its OWNERS boots and to be punished for its OWNERS enjoyment. Proud to be fully toilet trained and take the humiliation and public use as and when its OWNER sees fit.

Itโ€™s OWNER knows its limits are respects it but itโ€™s always willing to be pushed harder as time goes by. It would NEVER waste its OWNERS time. proud to be its OWNERS Genuine CAHSFAG OWNED . r***d, tracked and in the uniform itโ€™s OWNER chose for it. 24/7
What I want
It has everything it has ever wanted and so much more. Proud to be OWNED by BS37SKIN

6' 0.4" / 184cm
Sub market points
BS37SKINsfaggot's position in the Sub Market is 15 with 880 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 02:09






  • The first part of this blog was about establishing a true connection between BS37SKIN and his new fa...
    22 comments · Jan 1
  • This new chapter of my life as an owned TPE faggot started on January 2nd 2023. And what a year itโ€™s...
    14 comments · Dec 31 '23
  • Newsfeed
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot sent BS37Skin a gift!
      I would not be me without having you own me. I might not always be there with you. But I will always be here for you. Your property for life Sir. Here to serve and support you Sir. 24/7 owned.
      Jul 25
      britsub and Phranklin like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on Slave's poll
      ๐Ÿฎ Stables! ๐Ÿด What feels more appropriate to YOU? A Dom telling a sub to enter their Stable or a sub waiting and choosing to enter a Dom's Stable?
      ๐Ÿค” If a Dom generously offers the chance of Stable life the sub should accept it gratefully.
      ๐Ÿค” A sub should ignore offers from a Dom and only enter a stable if and when they wish to.
      ๐Ÿค” Stables are meaningless.
      ๐Ÿค” I'll get back to you on this one Slave - frenchbottomslut's option ONLY.
      Poll ends 28th Jul 24, 01:00
      Jul 23
      Jul 24
      a dom asking a sub to join his stable could be a dream coming true for the sub at least when it's a real dom the sub likes. Otherwhise please remind me; what is a stable for except from having the "right" to pay more?
      Jul 24
      Enslaved, I like the way you think!
      Jul 24
      All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ought to know what to do in that instance, and some prostration is assuredly involved). And certainly, some stables do seem completely meaningless.All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ...See more
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot

      1575 Tips (ยฃ157.50)

      Sent to Phranklin
      Jul 23
      13 members like this
      Jul 23
      Bugger me! JAWR has found buried treasure!
      Jul 23
      I found it - he just dug it up
      Jul 23
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot sent BS37Skin a gift!
      Happy Tuesday Sir. Never have I felt as complete as I do under your care and control. Thank you Sir. BSF
      Jul 23
      Phranklin and FinDomJon like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot sent BS37Skin a gift!
      No reason needed. Just because Iโ€™m yours for life. Thank you Sir. BSF
      Jul 21
      4 members like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      Nike on his knees for signing his ownership and debt contract down the pub ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿป
      Jul 20
      43 members like this
      Jul 20
      Jul 20
      9,278,412 social media followers. One white van. 17 criminal convictions for mugging. Two handsome Men. One Debt Contract! What a brilliant Boss and his fantastic boy! What a connection. Findom at its best! ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿช‡
      Jul 20
      Slave being right again but who could wonder about this. Good thing you're wearing shorts Gucci, at least you will not ruin your pants๐Ÿคฃ even better is you two can meet. Most subs & Masters can't. you two are really great to follow. SHM. Also great to see your evolution in caring for your sub๐Ÿ‘you do improve physically and humanly with age as you get older. At least that's the idea as for wording & grammar; my english hasn't improved๐Ÿ˜Š take careSlave being right again but who could wonder about this. Good thing you're wearing shorts Gucci, at least you will not ruin your pants๐Ÿคฃ even better is you two can meet. Most subs & Masters can't. you ...See more
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot voted on enslaved's poll
      Do you value honesty, integrity and truth in a dom or sub?
      I don't really care about who he is, what he thinks & how he is as long I can make money (give money
      I care about his behavoor, wishes & feelings as truth is the main step to success
      it's just about degrading people and tips, isn't it!? I don't care what he says like & feels
      findom is about money, not about personnality. Dom orders, sub obey & nothing else matters
      Poll ends 27th Jul 24, 17:20
      Jul 19
      Jul 19
      Care is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to watch for the signs and make sure it hasn't went to far. A sub zeroed out his account for me one time and I ended up sending him most back. There's not many that wouldCare is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to wat...See more
      Jul 19
      Very important no matter at what level or how unethical or sadistic one is. What that means is different per slave/ dom but important regardless
      Jul 20
      @SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜ @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added๐Ÿ‘ as a sub it's great to see doms who know better than ; I want to make money as for what you feel; get lost sub. A dom doesn't need use tricks to prove he is a dom; it can be seen & feel. Being a dom doesn't neither mean to insult or ignore others. Beautifully said men. you surely deserve to be called Sir@SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜ @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added๐Ÿ‘ as a sub it's great to see doms who know be...See more
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on their gift to BS37Skin
      Sir. Been a while since either of us have been on here. Thought it was time faggot stepped up and cleared down some of its debt to you. Still your faggot and always will be. BSFag
      Jul 14
      7 members like this
      Jul 14
      Thank you so much for the Gift and Makes me proud to know you and to have you in my life
      Jul 14
      Thank you. Itโ€™s a privilege to be in your life. You took me on. We are both lucky. ๐Ÿ˜
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on enslaved's gift to BS37SKINsfaggot
      you missed my great friends tribute tour yesterday so one's for my beloved, fantastic orange cutie fag & best hug friend. Have a nice weekend cutie fag. Could you already read my 127 messages?๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป
      Jul 14
      6 members like this
      Jul 14
      Enslaved. Thank you. You are far too kind. Everyone loves ice cream. ๐Ÿ˜
      Jul 14
      Wow what an amazing gift and shows that true friendship
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on Slave's status
      Please, please, please can Doms AND subs write a little something on their profiles. Just a few words of your own, I beg you. Maybe it's me and maybe I've grown too old for a 3 second attention spanned world, but I'm not sending a cent to a Dom who can't be arsed to write a word about themselves, who can't be fucked to let me know what they are looking for. Subs AND Doms why bother to be here if you have nothing to say. Go away. Disappear to some tedious, over-populated social media platform and don't waste my time because to choose not to say something about yourself is ridiculous, it's lazy, it's boring and disrespectful. 'Here endeth the lesson.' ๐Ÿ˜‡
      Jul 14
      12 members like this
      Jul 14
      Slave. I started to read your post and got distracted. Can you say it again please? ๐Ÿ˜‚
      Jul 14
      Jul 14
      damn, it keeps on surprising me how can someone be so right, say both clever things while being so humourous. Let me think of something nice to do for you but be aware I may not be my usual self (I broke a nail & have those sweet wrinkles around my eyes wich would like to cover my eye & fronthead area๐Ÿ˜œ not to mention Ilost my brand new lipglossdamn, it keeps on surprising me how can someone be so right, say both clever things while being so humourous. Let me think of something nice to do for you but be aware I may not be my usual self (I br...See more
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on Slave's poll
      โญ POPULARITY POLL! Who is the BEST Sub? Nike or Slave?

      Please consider humour, sex appeal, finger bending and care of creatures. DO NOT consider millions in the bank, private jets or tennis. โญ
      NIKE ๐ŸฅŽ
      (34 votes 64%)
      SLAVE ๐ŸŒ
      (19 votes 36%)
      This poll has ended, total votes - 53
      Jul 13
      Jul 13
      I KNEW it!
      Jul 13
      Jul 13
      I had to abstain from voting on the grounds you both forgot there is someone better than either of you. #justsaying. And like any good parent, I donโ€™t have favourites. Youโ€™re both good boys to me. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot commented on their new position on the Sub Market


      Moved up from position 27

      Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
      Jul 13
      6 members like this
      Jul 13
      Jul 13
      Hehehe. Thank you Slave. Just thought Iโ€™d pop in and do my bit
      Jul 14
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      Premium benefits
      • ๐ŸŒŸ Upload unlimited photos
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      Jul 13
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      One whole year on the site, getting to know so many amazing people in this wonderful community. Aaand, one whole year of knowing you! So many good times, and there for each other too! Not just findom but life stuff too. Such a diamond geezer ๐Ÿ’Ž. I love exploring new things with you, and developing our findom dynamic further. I find it rather ironic that my best relationship is totally platonic! Fancy going for another year Boss? Happy Manniversary ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ”ฅ
      Jul 3
      21 members like this
      Jul 3
      @nike thanks my man! A good man :)
      Jul 3
      @nike you always a class act
      Jul 3
      Congratulations to both of you! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      This actually happened today.

      A straight guy (off here) left me a lovely serenade voicemail today just checking how I am. But can you guess who?

      What a true gent and lovely guy. A community that looks out for each other. ๐Ÿงก
      Jun 28
      7 members like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      BS37SKINsfaggot added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

      Boyโ€™s all horned up with his chastity cage on, letโ€™s get him straining against it by the time I get off work ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

      Tax paid to: Late_start2022
      Tax per like: 10 Tips (ยฃ1.00) ๐Ÿ’ธ
      Tax per comment: 25 Tips (ยฃ2.50) ๐Ÿ’ธ
      Tax limit: unlimited ๐Ÿ’ธ

      Total tax to pay: 3425 Tips (ยฃ342.50)
      โ›” This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total โ›”
      Jun 18
      45 members like this
      Jun 18
      Jun 19
      Keeping that cashpussy open and ready ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
      Jun 19
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      Happy Fthrโ€™s day to a Man I admire so much. You know where I am if I can be useful ๐Ÿ‘
      Jun 16
      19 members like this
      Jun 16
      Nice one boy ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
      Jun 16
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    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      Have the all day breakfast before it really has been there all day, Boss . #weekend
      Jun 16
      9 members like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      A rum and coke to celebrate a very successful week Boss ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ท
      Jun 16
      8 members like this
    • BS37SKINsfaggot
      Thanks for the chat earlier
      Jun 16
      8 members like this
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