

🕑 Last online: Jul 24


🕝 Last online Jul 24

28 years old, Dom, Straight
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Oct 30 '22

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Straight_n_Spoilt has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Suits, Smoking
About Me
*Not really looking for new subs right now*

I'm 28 years old, approachable mostly straight lad working in the finance sector and I'm incredibly focused on my career which means I have very little free time which in turn makes it valuable. I'm really into keeping fit and personal development. Lover of all things luxury and I have expensive taste. I hold myself to high standards and expect the same out of subs, friends and the people I interact with.

Happy to chat with fellow Doms and subs in a friendly capacity when I have the time but unless you're serving or a good friend of mine you won't be a priority. Please don't take this as me being rude or dismissive as that's not my intention; I simply do not have the free time.

I’ve been on this site on and off for three years now. I have met a lot of great people and this is hands down the best community in the findom space. It also means I've been around the block so I know the "deal" at this stage; trying to pull a fast one on me will not get you very far.

I’m quite inexperienced with real time but I've now got a list of kinks as long as my arm that I want to try. I’m currently unable to do real time, but after the purchase of my property I expect that to change. If you’re interested in real time once a rapport is established and are able to travel to Ireland; send me a message. I also plan to travel a fair bit so if I’m in your area message me and we’ll see If a meeting is possible.

I'm a big believer in quality over quantity in all aspects of life including which subs I'm interested in interacting with. If you want to be rushed into a stable or you're inconsistent then we will not be a good match. If you're broke and want hours of my time for next to no money then you're better of contacting someone else. I won't lie and say amounts do not matter; they absolutely do and anyone who tells you differently is most likely waffling.

In terms of kinks I'm quite sadistic: really into mindfucks, b**********g and humiliation. I enjoy foot worship, body worship, pain play, findom/humiliation games, spitting, piss play and domestic service.
What I want
These are some of the qualities I’m looking for in a sub. This list is not exhaustive.

Experience - I like subs who are experienced. I have no desire to hold someone's hand and guide them through the minefield that is findom. If you're a fresh face I'm not the Dom for you.

Communication - Be able to communicate. That means the ability to speak up, to say what you’re comfortable and not comfortable with.

Responsible - I do not like subs who pass the blame solely to the Dom. We're all adults here and you need to hold yourself accountable for your actions. If you're looking for someone else to be responsible for your actions then that means you're not a capable human which in turn means the likelihood of you being a capable sub is near zero.

Personality - I like subs who are able to hold a conversation, who can make me laugh and keep me entertained. If you're boring and not fun to interact with chances are we will not be a good match. A good sense of humor goes a loooooong way.

Findom - You need to be interested in FINDOM. You're a broke student? Not for me. You're a non working adult? Not for me. You want to spend three months talking before you feel comfortable sending to a Dom? Not for me. Do I expect you to send before contacting me? No I do not but unless you make your intentions clear relatively early on then I won't waste my time.

Maturity - This one is obvious and encompasses all of the above. We're all adults here and if you're unable to act like one then please do not waste my time. A little emotional intelligence and empathy never hurt anyone.

Real time - Optional but I am in the process of buying my own house and am very interested in subs who will be able to visit. Once I’ve moved in I’ll be happy to host some subs that I’ve built a rapport with.

If you think you fit the above description feel free to reach out.
What experience do you have?
Originally real time, now online. Hoping that reverses very soon given I should be able to host subs shortly.

6' 1.2" / 186cm
170lb / 77.3kg
Foot size
12 UK / 47  EU /  13 US
Eye colour

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Hotel California

Straight_n_Spoilt has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points
Straight_n_Spoilt's position in the Pantheon is 26 with 900 points.
Calculated 27th Jul 24, 04:47






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