

🕑 Last online: May 9


🕝 Last online May 9

25 years old, sub, Gay
Germany Germany
Joined Dec 2 '23

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Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, CBT
About Me
Italian loser faggot in Germany. I suspected I was made for this when I almost came hands free while handing my wallet to a superior man. I knew that for sure when I spent the next months jerking off thinking about that.
What I want
A sadistic alpha
Sub market points

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  • Subture
    Subture is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Dec 4 '23
    nubianmasta and Phranklin like this
  • Subture
    Subture liked MasterMister's photo
    Fresh out of the gym. Who wants to massage my tired muscles?
    Dec 2 '23
    8 members like this
    Sep 20 '23
    Nominated for Míster España 2023 !
    Sep 20 '23
    Haha thanks guys!
    Sep 20 '23
    Such a hot stud…. Proud to be owned by this MAN.
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  • Subture
    Subture liked that BankDrainer is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Dec 2 '23
    servus, Phranklin and Subture like this
  • Subture
    Subture liked BankDrainer's status
    Incredibly satisfying watching all the targets going on. Can't wait to set few myself. Where are the free ranging fags?
  • Subture
    Subture liked BankDrainer's status
    Your mind and your freedom, before your money.

    To the natural order. Because you know how to kneel, how to service, how to get your wallet emptied.

    Not just to find the place you deserve in this world. But to acknowledge and scar in your bones, you owe it to a Superior Male.

    I don't care if you get hard watching your bank account plummet for all the transactions you make, hoping I will notice.
    I'm here to remind you what's the core difference between you and Me.
    Dec 2 '23
    Subture likes this
  • Subture
    Subture liked Chubmaster001's status
    You are seeking a true and long term bond with your owner....that is why you beg him to use your show him how much his power over you means to you. Open that cashpussy fag. I am going to take what is mine.
    Dec 2 '23
    BankDrainer and Subture like this
  • Subture
    Subture liked Slave's status
    Anyone up for meeting? Actually face to face? Real-time, in person, and not in a couple of years, not when a million tip target has been completed. Is there anyone out there who is willing to spend some time with a slave, to develop something amazing, to connect, to laugh, to feel good, not just with tips but with something more meaningful? Something deeper maybe, happier maybe, more enriching maybe? Asking for a friend... 😊
    Dec 2 '23
    11 members like this
    Apr 19 '23
    there are some but many will want to exploit you, make you work for them or even make you cook for them. Sometimes that could be be a good way to drive off those incontinent narcissistic pervs with a small dick! oOherwise there is me but I am not the dominant man you are looking for; I'm just a wonderful, lovable, very kind, romantically perverted man, By the way & while being honest; I don’t do it on purpose but I’m almost perfect. I’m jjust a simple man who is an extraordinarily good kisser, who likes to hug and spank (sometimes) & only when I'm in a good mood. I may be fantastic and incredibly modest still I would slike to fckuk your bum once in a while. Not often though; 7 times a week will do, Let’s face it, itt's the least you can do since I do everything else!
    if not to be completely honest; I have another activity on Sundays: I lick & rimm😊
    there are some but many will want to exploit you, make you work for them or even make you cook for them. Sometimes that could be be a good way to drive off those incontinent narcissistic pervs with a ...See more
    Apr 19 '23
    Now that is some endorsement from Enslaved, question is now slave will you take him up on that offer. 🤔🧐. Enquiring minds need to know
    Apr 19 '23
    I get that, Slave. And I know it's not really the same, but we can also be that for each other.
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