

🕑 Last online: Oct 24


🕝 Last online Oct 24

30 years old, Dom, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Jun 29 '23

🏷 No profile tags

mikey0304 has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Friendship, Whatever
About Me
29 year old Scottish dom. Looking for subs and slaves in the UK
What I want
Foot slaves mainly. TPE slaves locked in chastity with impeccable manners would be ideal. Curious about paypigs but not completely necessary
What experience do you have?
Owned a few inferiors. Couple boyfriends and a few more casual. Cane hasn't been used in awhile.

6' 2" / 188cm
195lb / 88.6kg
Foot size
10 UK / 45 EU /  11 US
Eye colour

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mikey0304's stable

mikey0304 has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

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mikey0304 has no feedback

  • mikey0304
    mikey0304 voted on Slave's poll
    I meant to send Nikesub 5 tips (50p). I accidentally sent him 50 tips (£5.00). Should HE do the right thing, prove he is a decent, kind man and reimburse me 45 tips (£4.50). It is Christmas... 🎄🎅🎁
    😃 YES - I would HATE Nike forever if he doesn't send the money back.
    (17 votes 23%)
    😒 NO - Subs, especially handsome Slave, deserve to suffer.
    (57 votes 77%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 74
    Dec 27 '23
    Dec 29 '23
    A day to go. Could we all try a bit harder on the YES vote please. I have family to feed...
    Dec 31 '23
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  • mikey0304
    mikey0304 voted on Slave's poll
    Are subs stupid?
    (28 votes 28%)
    (72 votes 72%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 100
    Jul 6 '23
    Most subs are not stupid. Some are, but most are not. Being submissive does not make you any less intelligent. It is not something where the sub is lacking anything due to his desire to serve. He is simply wired in a submissive way. Nothing wrong with it and when he embraces it, it is best for everyone, especially the sub.Most subs are not stupid. Some are, but most are not. Being submissive does not make you any less intelligent. It is not something where the sub is lacking anything due to his desire to serve. He is s...See more
    Jul 8 '23
    The results are in! Well, who knew...
    Aug 31 '23
    my subs know the goal, and they strain to get there, thats not stupidity
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  • mikey0304
    mikey0304 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 29 '23
    servus, Phranklin and mystma like this
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