

🕑 Last online: Apr 17


🕝 Last online Apr 17

44 years old, Dom, Straight
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Jan 23

🏷 dom

ManagingDirector has not uploaded their identification documents yet, this means we cannot verify their identity
About Me
Real life MD. Here through fascination.
I value authenticity and interesting interactions.
Open minded and accepting.
What I want

Respect goes both ways.
What experience do you have?
A wealth of experience.

Listing it here?
I dont think so.

5' 11.6" / 182cm
170lb / 77.3kg
Foot size
 10.5 UK / 45 EU /  11.5 US
Eye colour
ManagingDirector's stable

ManagingDirector has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

ManagingDirector has no Pantheon points


ManagingDirector has no feedback

Photo Albums
1 albums total View all
  • As well as growing up with a little servanty chum, I grew up with a dude who became a priest.& nbsp; ...
    · Feb 27
  • The office can be a tricky place to navigate .  Now Steve and his servitude has raised a questi...
    · Feb 14
  • SERVE ME I AM THE MASTER....Echos of fallen respect, mediocrity and fakery. Servitude shouldn't be ...
    5 comments · Feb 11
  • Friends
    • ManagingDirector
      My new years res was to drink more water.
      I've kept to it, but now pee more.

      Interesting fact for no one inparticular.
      Unless you find it interesting.



      Apr 5
      JasperThePup101 likes this
      Apr 5
      Piss like a racehorse
      Apr 5
      Sir. I can vouch for that
      Apr 5
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    • ManagingDirector
      I had a joke, but I forgot it.

      Just laugh and pretend it was good.
      Mar 24
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Coffee break time. If you like this, its like... we're having coffee together. Feel free to chat about stuff.
      Mar 20
    • ManagingDirector
      I wonder if i should use slave/sub tips to invest in a project?

      Feel like being a non share holding, non credited non... nothingy contributor to a thingy you will never know about?

      Feel free to drain yourself my way.

      However I wondee how to account for the found funds? Directors loan?
      I can't put 'paypigs' as the source.

      Sue in accounts will go nuts!!
      Mar 19
      Mar 19
      How I didn't remember that 😎
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    • ManagingDirector
      You know some days, are gonna be bad days. Mine is horrid.

      We're all human.
      No matter if you are a Dom, an Alphadawg, a subby slave or a god dam ginger.

      A bad day is a bad day no matter what anyone says.

      And you know what? Its ok to have one. Its ok to get through it how ever you can.

      Because tomorrow may be epic.

      Mar 19
      5 members like this
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector commented on their status
      Stuff that bugs me, but other people seem be be ok with it..


      Just pick up the handset you plonker.
      And if i'm talking to you in person, you better take them out striaght away. Otherwise, you will be trying connect to your iphone via the airpods up your rectum. Charge them now you fool..

      Mar 18
      subjeffie likes this
      Mar 18
      I’m in agreement with SubX here. Using AirPods can make the phone call sound a lot better. They cancel out the background noise making the phone call for the recipient much clearer.
      Mar 18
      Mar 18
      Material for 🍿 here? 😂😂
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    • ManagingDirector
      Sunday night

      An evening or the antiques roadshow, songs of praise and tea/toast.

      Or something else?
      What'cha doin?
      Mar 17
    • ManagingDirector
      I gotts to go to Birmingham.
      I'm not excited.

      Feel free to tip in order to lift my mood so when i log in after dinner, I won't feel like i've wasted my afternoon.
      Mar 17
    • ManagingDirector
      Anyone with anything exciting to say about anything exciting?
      Mar 16
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Driver got out to go pay the parking. Or load someone in the boot. Or both...
      Mar 16
      wannabenutted1 likes this
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


      Someone has overtaken this position since this post

      Moved up from position 788

      Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
      Mar 16
      footboi likes this
    • ManagingDirector
      🩸y lovely day.

      I've got manly tough things to do like mow the lawn and top up the coolant on my car.

      Grrr, tough tough tough....

      Feel free to buy me coffee. A little tip tip tip will do.

      I might even use tips to buy a belgian bun. Ooh how tough.
      Mar 16
      footboi likes this
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector 's poll has ended
      Should @footboi any of the following tasks...
      Make some underpants out of sellotape. USING A WHOLE ROLL! MUHUHAHAHA
      (3 votes 50%)
      Tip me as a treat to buy chocolate
      (2 votes 33%)
      Treat himself to a scone with jam and clotted cream
      (1 votes 17%)
      This poll has ended, total votes - 6
      Mar 13
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Hmmmm. Tips to cover a new (old) bike?
      Mar 13
      Admirer likes this
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector commented on their blog post
      The asshole at the coffee shop.
      As a straight, non curious, tough rough chap, I've always been respectful.I meet people as they are. I'm a support for the downtrodden, hero to the un...
      Mar 12
      Slave and SubVitale like this
      Mar 12
      There's far too much meanness in the world, and it's too easy to tread down on the downtrodden. You should have taken the coffee and re-gifted it to the barista!
      Mar 12
      Interesting PoV. However, after his assholey behaviour, I thibk his gift was tainted. For me and the barista both.
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    • ManagingDirector
      The Rock says...

      Is it 'one day, or day one'.

      If it's one day, they I hope you are happy with your dreams

      If it's day one...

      Drop and give me 20 push ups, eat tuna and endame beans for brekkie and give me loads of tips for being your motivational guru.

      Takes a bow*
      Mar 12
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      So yesterdqy i was discussing inserting a thumbsized stick of ginger root up a ladies bottom. I find myself in COSTA, looking at a 'flower' shaped ginger biscuit... How serendipitous...
      Mar 11
    • ManagingDirector
      If you read this and would like a simple mission today then say hello.
      I'm feeling a little silly and have a silly thing for a silly person or people to do.
      Mar 9
    • ManagingDirector

      (Not to you)

      Mornin to you though.
      Mar 9
    • ManagingDirector
      ManagingDirector uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
      Starbucks is always my last choice
      Mar 6
      Admirer likes this
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