

🕑 Last online: Jul 18


🕝 Last online Jul 18

30 years old, Dom, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom, London, London
Joined Jun 2 '22

🏷 master chastity cashmaster boots rubber shoes leather suits

MisterRojo has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Ownership, Chat, Friendship
Findom, Humiliation, Leather, PVC, Boots, Bondage, Suits, Uniforms, Rubber
About Me
London-based Master into suits, leather, boots, and rubber. I can be found sometimes on the UK fetish scene but I generally prefer private meets.

As a dom, I'm affectionate but no-nonsense. I like to give subs a safe space to explore through service and worship and watching them grow is one of the most rewarding parts of the experience for me.
What I want
Ownership - one-off sessions are fun but just don't have the space to let either Me or my slaves build trust and develop.

Recently I have begun to include h***o in sessions, inducing subs into a deep place of relaxation and suggestibility. I would be particularly keen to begin a Dom/sub dynamic with this training built in from the outset.

Am also very keen to be meeting cashslaves amd houseboys of all stripes, and love to hold a boy's key.

Generally I prefer in person sessions, and will typically use online communications to reinmake training from in person sessions.
What experience do you have?
Some years' experience of both findom and general BDSM.

Currently am keyholder for and owner of a slave (outside findom).

6' 0.4" / 184cm
Foot size
11 UK / 46 EU /  12 US
Eye colour

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Mister Rojo's boys

MisterRojo has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

MisterRojo has no Pantheon points


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Photo Albums
1 albums total View all
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo commented on MasterR's photo
    Just because you are long distance don’t mean I can’t lock you in Chasity and control when it opens and closes. Send a tip if this turns you on.
    May 19
    12 members like this
    May 19
    Great device to lock a boy in.
    May 19
    I heard it’s been hacked too. This one is good it has all the features and the lock itself is in a visible area that you can cut it off if anything would to go bad where you can’t unlock it. So that’s good. And they have a regular with two rings and a large for a girthier guy. Although this has a lot of space it’s not an advance “let’s shrink it” type of lockI heard it’s been hacked too. This one is good it has all the features and the lock itself is in a visible area that you can cut it off if anything would to go bad where you can’t unlock it. So that’s...See more
    May 19
    MasterC, I tired getting the electrical one I thought I did but I guess not but I was able to get this for $50 a good deal if I say so myself a regular Chasity is at $30
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 364

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    May 17
    InferiorMutt likes this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo liked BootsSir's photo
    My bootrest yesterday. Who is next?
    May 15
    servus and MisterRojo like this
  • MisterRojo
    h***o subs wanted

    Must be willing to travel to London
    May 15
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    Playing with my food.
    Apr 26
    BelowYou and sussexdom like this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo commented on their photo
    Mar 25
    Dec 28 '23
    Very sexy
    Mar 22
    So lickable, and they are perfect for sb´niffing they fit like a mask if used properly
    Mar 25
    Better get licking then boy 👅
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  • MisterRojo
    My flatmate is moving out so there will be a room going spare in my sweet East London pad. Would well suit a live-in butler or slave. Message me for details boys ✌️
    Feb 26
    Scumfagtoilet and Denied like this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo liked MasterOfAll's photo
    The Submit dashboard will allow you to easily see which of your friends are online. You can also easily manage your stable and what stables you're part of. You can also manage your referrals. (Dashboard is not finished 😉)
    Dec 30 '23
    17 members like this
    Dec 6 '23
    Loving these updates
    Dec 6 '23
    These are only a few previews of what I would consider "complete" features. I have other builds with a lot more functionality that I'm going to be sharing over the coming months 😀 that dashboard for example doesn't show everything.
    Dec 6 '23
    very interesting to see your progress in creating the new site!!! Thank you soo much MOA for all your time and effort!!!
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    Sometimes it's nice to put your feet up
    Dec 27 '23
    7 members like this
    Mar 22
    That is very sexy, formal shoes are so underrated
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo added a new video Re-boot
    Want a taste?
    Dec 27 '23
    the mixture of boots and suit trousers is a good one
    Dec 28 '23
    Cheers boy - it's hard to go wrong with a good pair of boots
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    You look better on your knees.
    Dec 23 '23
    Newnorthern and BelowYou like this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo liked MasterOfAll's status
    Work on "Submit" has started slow as I had to lay the groundwork sorting a few other things out first.

    However, now that's done and out the way it's full steam ahead.

    I am aiming for a beginning of April release, ready for Owned's 10th anniversary on the 8th.

    I won't be burning myself out to reach that deadline though, so if it has to be postponed a bit then it will be.

    Once more development has been completed I will post a few screenshots and videos of the new site to gather some feedback.

    Thank you all for your support,
    MoA ✌️
    Jan 31 '23
    36 members like this
    Jan 30 '23
    Awesome! Take your time, MoA.
    Jan 31 '23
    Take Your time Master, don't overwork Yourself please.
    Jan 31 '23
    @servus: on a pensé la même chose!
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo commented on skyerubberguy's poll
    What is the hottest physical way for a Master to put a slave into full body restraint/immobilisation?
    Sleepsack (leather or rubber)
    (6 votes 8%)
    Vacbed or Vac Cube (suction) or Vacbed (inflation)
    (13 votes 18%)
    Cuffs, Collars and Chains (metal/leather/rubber)
    (44 votes 59%)
    Shibari / Rope Restraint
    (11 votes 15%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 74
    Jan 24 '23
    There is no one hottest way. It depends on the sub and scenario.
    Jan 25 '23
    Gotta love shibari. The intimacy of tying a sub and the flexibility of the rope are not to be sniffed at
    Jan 25 '23
    Like Woof82, I too am a fan of the classics,
    I find that several copies of The Iliad and The Odyssey a great way to weigh down and restrain most slaves
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    How is a maggot like you gonna serve me, then?
    Dec 5 '22
    servus likes this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    Hell for leather.
    Jun 28 '22
    servus likes this
  • MisterRojo
    I want to own you. I want to own your mind. I want to own your body. I want to own your wallet. I want to own your freedom.

    Submit that thing you call 'yourself'. You will be so much better without it. It will feel good as nothing more than an extension of my will.

    All pleasure derives from serving your Superior. But you knew that anyway, didn't you?
    Jun 23 '22
    wannabenutted1 and Herbby like this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo commented on SlaveSW's status
    In central London, any dom’s need serving?? Could do a atm meet?
    Jun 22 '22
    4 members like this
    Jun 22 '22
    Someone’s in for a fun time
    Jun 22 '22
    DM me next time you're in central, let's see what we can arrange.
    Jun 22 '22
    Near bristol here!
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  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo added towards britsub's Pillory tax total

    The cure for thirst.

    Tax paid to: SimX
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 320 Tips (£32.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Jun 21 '22
    7 members like this
    Jun 21 '22
    Jun 21 '22
    Jun 21 '22
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  • MisterRojo
    Target completed

    It begins

    You say 'Yes Sir, thank you Sir'.
    Set by
    Set for

    100 Tips (£10.00) of 100 Tips (£10.00) / 100%

    Jun 21 '22
    MisterRojo likes this
  • MisterRojo
    MisterRojo uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    Think pink.
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