

🕑 Last online: Sep 23


🕝 Last online Sep 23

61 years old, Dom, Bisexual
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Sep 5 '22

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Sirswaiting has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Suits, Uniforms, Bikers, Sounding, CBT, Dungeon Play, Edging
About Me
I like tributes and real time meets
I like loyalty to me and if I get that I will support u 100%
Good boys always get rewarded
What I want
What experience do you have?
I already own a few fags

6' 1.2" / 186cm
Foot size
12 UK / 47  EU /  13 US
Eye colour

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  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting liked YoungDom11's status
    Some of these subs need serious discipline but they don't even realize it. Y'all wanna have a dom or wanna get owned but still want to have control of lot of things.

    I'm a type of dom who likes to take most decisions with his sub, but even I get tired of this type of behaviour. Don't act like you want to be dominated when all you actually want is spending like 10-15 minutes and throw some money over any 'lucky' doms you can find.

    As we always say but most of us don't care to do, this 💩 should be more than just the money to make it consistent and more meaningful. It's about your efforts and intentions too. At the end, we all stay around the scene to feed our desires. sometimes it can be money, sometimes loyalty, sometimes having a person you feel attracted or share lot of feelings or thoughts together.

    Not gonna lie though, the vast majority of doms are responsible for subs behaving this way. This is what happens when all you do is consistently asking for money without adding some quality to your subs or that relationship.

    I had some posts like this in the past because I like passionate people around me. People who brings sustainable quality on whatever they do. Maybe it's just my personal problem about this scene but wish some things were different.

    And of course, this is not something that targets everyone or includes blanket criticism. Everybody has their own likes or their own way to do things. But as someone who had great material and nonmaterial times in findom, I think it makes sense to say some things out loud. Especially inexperienced people in the scene should think about it and decide who they want to be or what exactly their needs are.

    Hope everyone have a great day!
    Aug 21
    11 members like this
    Aug 21
    This. I’m also one who cares about the play and dedication as much if not more than the $
    Aug 21
    Everyone has different needs, demands, limits and abilities, but I think there’s a match here for everyone.
    Aug 21
    Although I don't much disagree, this behavior on both sides is prevalent enough in most online D/s (and much RL D/S), and a consequence of very real struggles people have with their often misunderstood feelings. It does not really seem all that shocking to me that it is worse with findom, given the nature of the interaction. A lot of this just comes with the territory we are exploring.Although I don't much disagree, this behavior on both sides is prevalent enough in most online D/s (and much RL D/S), and a consequence of very real struggles people have with their often misunderstoo...See more
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  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting voted on ChavvyMaster's poll
    Are most Dom's top when it comes to sex or are there some Dom guys that like to bottom sometimes / give oral as well?
    Completely top
    (19 votes 59%)
    (13 votes 41%)
    Wholly bottom
    (0 votes 0%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 32
    Aug 16
    Aug 16
    Well said, Sir Eblus.
    Aug 16
    Well considering you didn’t have the oral part I had to mark top. However I def don’t mind sucking a dick and I can assure my boys get their asses ate all the time.
    Aug 16
    I agree with Eblus, I can bottom but it has to feel right for me, if it doesn't feel right then I am 100% pure Dom/top, and can be a ferocious bastard when amma Dom/top, even although I may not show it
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  • Sirswaiting
    Happy f****r's Day.

    Now subs/slaves, make this daddy happy.

    Get sending.
    Jun 16
  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting commented on Maskedmasterbe's blog post
    Alpha Masters posses personality traits and characteristics that contribute to their Dominance.
    on top of the pantheon for the moment I identified key traits which are
    commonly found among the top-tier  Alpha Masters.

    do you...
    Jun 15
    5 members like this
    Jun 15
    Idiots??? 🤔🤔🙄
    Jun 15
    Trust goes both ways.
    Jul 1
    Hard to argue with such a well considered list Sir, although I'd suggest that a little humour often makes a D/s connection come to life, it adds vitality, colour and joy. ⭐
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  • Sirswaiting
    Jun 15
  • Sirswaiting
    Morning all
    Jun 10
  • Sirswaiting
    Morning all
    Jun 3
    Fin_Bear_dom likes this
  • Sirswaiting
    I'm lying in bed thinking about all the boys I'm going to drain today, tax, tax tax to be paid
    May 3
  • Sirswaiting
    Morning all
    May 3
  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting voted on SkinnySadBoy's poll
    What is your opinion on masters having IRL girlfriends
    I’m a slave I don’t get an opinion
    (14 votes 19%)
    It’s a turn off
    (14 votes 19%)
    It doesn’t matter
    (35 votes 48%)
    It’s a turn on
    (10 votes 14%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 73
    Apr 10
    Apr 6
    Subs reach places no girl could ever reach!
    Apr 7
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  • Sirswaiting
    Morning everyone
    Apr 10
  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting commented on RubberLiam's Pillory game

    It’s been a while but time to edge this rubber drone again 😈

    Tax paid to: DJMasterLeder
    Tax per like: 2 Tips (£0.20) 💸
    Tax per comment: 2 Tips (£0.20) 💸
    Tax limit: 150 Tips (£15.00) 💸

    Total tax to pay: 112 Tips (£11.20)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Apr 4
    18 members like this
    Apr 3
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Apr 3
    Thank you Sirs and fellow subs 🥵
    Apr 4
    Wish I'd seen this earlier, next time give me more notice
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  • Sirswaiting
    Any pathetic cashfags at a loose end, get in my DM's
    Jan 2
  • Sirswaiting
    Happy New Year to ALL

    Slaves do better this year
    Jan 1
    Arnaudb38 likes this
  • Sirswaiting
    Morning all, looking to drain some piggies today, it is payday after all
  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting commented on their status
    So a slave agreed to come serve me, paid a deposit of half the fee that was agreed.
    Slave then contacts me on the day before it is due to arrive claiming I'll health and can't now come.
    I informed slave they had to pay the other half of the fee agreed, as there was virtually no time to find a replacement.
    Slave complained they had lost out on travel and accommodation (they were arriving late at night so booked hotel to be here for service early the following morning) and then blocked me and never paid the outstanding balance.

    Should the slave pay the balance in this case?
    I say yes and it owes me £100

    Ur thoughts?
    Aug 22 '23
    Aug 16 '23
    If you make a deposit for a service or product and then don't complete the transaction, you just lose the deposit. You don't suddenly owe a full balance because the manufacturer or business was inconvenienced by your cancellation.

    I suppose you could do sex work on OF, but I'd say a vast majority of Sirs on OF would be offended by the classification of sex work, and those Sirs don't provide any services or opportunities, even cleaning, for a rate. Findom is about the relationship and exchange of energy between a Sir and sub. There are no negotiated services, fees, rates, or deposits. If the sub gives you money, he does so freely as a symbolic gesture of the relationship. The sub is not buying anything, and the sub is not expecting anything in return. Money is more honoring the dom, and dom does not need a deposit if a good boy wants to visit. It seems like you do not know or trust your boy very much. Perhaps this boy was a terrible fit for you anyway if you had to charge him a deposit to visit.

    @elbus 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I do find this post rather funny. The OP is trying to treat the OF website like an escort service, which it clearly is not.
    If you make a deposit for a service or product and then don't complete the transaction, you just lose the deposit. You don't suddenly owe a full balance because the manufacturer or business was inconv...See more
    Aug 22 '23
    The slave asked me how much it would need to pay to serve me. It was happy with the fee I said.
    Aug 22 '23
    Don't even both, this is tiresome now
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  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting commented on londonloser being verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jun 19 '23
    25 members like this
    Jun 19 '23
    Sep 20 '23
    Can't believe you're only just verified after so long!
    Nov 26 '23
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  • Sirswaiting
    Oi oi u fuckers
    Jun 17 '23
    YellowBandit likes this
  • Sirswaiting
    Sirswaiting commented on their status
    Time is limited so get a move on
    Jun 14 '23
    No it's not, it's a I need a slave for Saturday/Sunday as the 1 I had arranged is I'll and can't make it. It's a I need a replacement kind of countdown
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  • Sirswaiting
    I'm in the Newcastle upon Tyne area, UK
    Jun 14 '23
    Phranklin and InferiorMutt like this
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