

🕑 Last online: May 24


🕝 Last online May 24

25 years old, Dom, Gay
United States United States, Florida, North Miami
Joined Jul 6 '22

🏷 master cashmaster

Zayn1005 has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship, Whatever
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Suits, Dungeon Play, Edging
About Me
Based in Miami for local or visiting subs for humiliation, foot Worship, and personal usage of slaves for complete control. As an Alpha, I'm here to own and subject you to the pure e💩sy of s********n.
What I want
I want submissive fags that want to feel the pleasure of being controlled by a Alpha CockMaster.
-Humiliate subs to feel satisfaction as their Master
-Subject subs to constant/daily wallet draining
-Attentive subs to the rules set upon them by Master Zayn
-Satisfying my passion for making subs suffer

5' 6.9" / 170cm
170lb / 77.3kg
Foot size
9.5 UK /  44 EU /  10.5 US
Eye colour

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Zayn1005's stable

Zayn1005 has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

Zayn1005 has no Pantheon points


Zayn1005 has no feedback

Photo Albums
1 albums total View all
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 voted on Olgg's poll
    How did you find out about OwnedFags?
    Recommendations (Referral)
    (17 votes 29%)
    (8 votes 14%)
    Random (Search)
    (29 votes 50%)
    Your Option
    (4 votes 7%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 58
    Apr 15
    My church sent me...
    Apr 15
    You'd burst into flames if you stepped into a church Slave!
    Apr 15
    You need to sign in to comment
  • Zayn1005
    Working Early Today, wanna make this Saturday more entertaining😎
    Oct 21 '23
    InferiorMutt likes this
  • Zayn1005
    I could use a harem of slaves to get thru this inflation nightmare
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 voted on Sexy_Superman's poll
    Homophobic slurs
    Do we think they are overused in findom?
    (65 votes 52%)
    (61 votes 48%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 126
    Sep 5 '23
    interesting that even the comments on this contain such slurs
    Sep 5 '23
    Slave was atrocious I know right
    Sep 8 '23
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  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 voted on Olgg's poll
    My phone is probably starting to slowly destroy itself, it doesn't save energy like it used to, and constant bugs have started. Which smartphone brand do you recommend?
    (25 votes 30%)
    (50 votes 60%)
    (4 votes 5%)
    Other (comments)
    (4 votes 5%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 83
    Jul 10 '23
    Olgg Sir, get a landline or a pigeon. Pigeons are great at delivering messages unless they're randy and want a shag, in which case that message has got no chance. Shag or message?(Obvs).
    Jul 10 '23
    @Slave lol 😂😆
    Jul 14 '23
    Thanks everyone
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  • Zayn1005
    Any Slaves in miami? Need an anal plug cunt to use locally.
    Jul 3 '23
    Jul 3 '23
    have you looked for members by distance or country?
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  • Zayn1005
    Could there be one unowned slave out there 🤔
    Jul 3 '23
    Jul 3 '23
    There's a weird army of unowned subs and slaves out there Sir. If you want the names of single subs let me know 😊
    You need to sign in to comment
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 voted on enslaved's poll
    Pantheon & Submarket; what do those mean to you?
    a well-ranked Sir or sub means that he is among the best best Alphas or slaves?
    (5 votes 9%)
    it means nothing
    (17 votes 30%)
    I love it & will do everything to be ranked as higher as possible
    (4 votes 7%)
    nothing beats good messages &connections between an Alpha and a sub to know if we are compatible
    (30 votes 54%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 56
    Jul 2 '23
    Pantheon shows the Doms capable of building connections and is valuable. Likewise the slave market roots out the pointless wonders from the real cash fags. Nice to see the breakdown of points to identify those that might be very active and mouthy but do very little *******Pantheon shows the Doms capable of building connections and is valuable. Likewise the slave market roots out the pointless wonders from the real cash fags. Nice to see the breakdown of points to ident...See more
    Jul 2 '23
    All options but number 2 I would say. Hard to vote this time. But I definitely condone what MasterMister wrote a couple of messages ago. Agreeing with MM is no means surprising either! 😈😈
    Jul 2 '23
    Enslaved my lovely friend - dead good poll.
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  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 voted on Chubmaster001's poll
    I believe in TPE Ownership. If you serve me, it means completely. However how much control should an Owner have over his sub?
    Complete TPE where there is no limit to ownership
    (26 votes 57%)
    Financial Control
    (4 votes 9%)
    Sexual Control
    (4 votes 9%)
    Both Sexual and Financial Control but not aspects outside of these things
    (12 votes 26%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 46
    Jun 17 '23
    a bit of all those. We match with an Alpha we get a connection with & want to be leaded by. Leting the one you like taking control & tell how things must be seems fair & why we want ownership. The sexual part might be the less wanted option as for most things: Master's wishes will always be the respected. No idea what is TPE so I'll go for financiala bit of all those. We match with an Alpha we get a connection with & want to be leaded by. Leting the one you like taking control & tell how things must be seems fair & why we want ownership. The sex...See more
    Jun 19 '23
    Has anyone ever been in a TPE relationship? I always thought it was a myth, like Santa or an honest politician?
    Jun 20 '23
    However much control is suited to that particular dynamic. Even a single Master could have varying amounts of control with different subs. Whatever works for both in a given situation works best. Harmony and all that.
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  • Zayn1005
    May 2 '23
    8 members like this
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 1124

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    Feb 20 '23
    mercosun318 likes this
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 commented on Fagof2Sirs's target
    Target completed

    Stable swap # 2!

    Time to balance the scales once again, as Our cuntpuppy leaves one Master’s stable to take his place in the other! See you back here in January horny cuntnugget!
    Set by
    Set for

    1000 Tips (£100.00) of 400 Tips (£40.00) / 250%

    Dec 2 '22
    4 members like this
    Dec 2 '22
    Keep it balanced Fo2S....
    Dec 2 '22
    Hey subs
    Dec 2 '22
    Nicely done horny cuntnugget!!! 🥓 💷 🐷
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  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 's poll has ended
    What to worship?
    My manly feet
    (6 votes 29%)
    My Armpits
    (15 votes 71%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 21
    Aug 1 '22
    Aug 1 '22
    Option 1
    Aug 1 '22
    Option 2
    You need to sign in to comment
  • Zayn1005
    Master here looking for slaves to a***e
    Aug 1 '22
    footlicker likes this
  • Zayn1005
    Zayn1005 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Aug 1 '22
    servus and Phranklin like this
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