

🕑 Last online: Jul 12


🕝 Last online Jul 12

31 years old, Dom, Bisexual
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Oct 24 '21

🏷 master chastity big feet nipples musk 8inch


HungBiDom has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Here for
Findom, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Leather, Boots, Rubber
About Me
Just a Dom who knows what he wants and appreciates slaves that know their place.

And their place is at my feet. If they do a good enough job with them they might get permission to suck my cock.

I like to get my fags addicted to my musk, keep them begging me to get another smell and taste.

Im a big lad in every way, I've got a belly, a big cock and big feet. I expect all three to be worshiped.

After realising I was Bi i tried a few scenes. This is the one that attracted me most. I like having the power. And what better way to hold power over a faggot than by taking their money. Was never their money anyway. They were just holding it for me.

== Results from ==
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
96% Rigger
92% Degrader
88% Owner
82% Experimentalist
78% Exhibitionist
74% Voyeur
73% Primal (Hunter)
71% Sadist
68% Brat tamer
51% Non-monogamist
35% Vanilla
11% Daddy/Mommy
0% Ageplayer
0% Switch
What I want
I want faggots who know how to respect and serve real men. I don't want any time wasters, met enough of them.

I need a faggot that will tidy and clean for me, because that's faggot work.

I had a fag that used to do it but he moved up the country (still sends me gifts though, because he knows his place)
What experience do you have?
Few years experience as a Dom, I have had experience with cash fags, which I am hoping to increase on here.

6' 0.4" / 184cm
230lb / 104.5kg
Foot size
12 UK / 47  EU /  13 US
Eye colour

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  • HungBiDom
    In Zurich for the week, you don't expect me to spend my own money do you boys?
  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on Slave's poll
    This poll has been done before but I HATE the word fag? Does anyone agree?
    (9 votes 17%)
    (43 votes 81%)
    I'm thinking about it (Frenchbottomslut's option)
    (1 votes 2%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 53
    Sep 29 '23
    @chained: we’ll agree to disagree here. I think it’s a matter of context and perfectly understandable that we receive things differently. I don’t accept being called a slave, but I absolutely see no problem if a sub enjoys this as part of their dynamics with the Dom.@chained: we’ll agree to disagree here. I think it’s a matter of context and perfectly understandable that we receive things differently. I don’t accept being called a slave, but I absolutely see no p...See more
    Sep 29 '23
    I agree 100% ... this poll has been done before
    Sep 30 '23
    @french: 100% agree
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  • HungBiDom
    Any fags in LA to fund mine and my boyfriends spending hehe
    May 2 '23
    YellowBandit and Phranklin like this
  • HungBiDom
    Waiting to board a flight with my bf, they keep offering the chance to upgrade, and while I can afford it, I think it would be much better if one of you fags paid for us both to fly business 😈
    Apr 27 '23
    MasterLuca1985 likes this
    Apr 27 '23
    it's all about your domination & connection you will or could/ should do with a sub you fancy
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom commented on their photo
    Bulge, shoe or foot. Which one you starting with boy?
    Dec 30 '22
    Dec 30 '22
    May 1
    Heaven on earth 🌍
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  • HungBiDom
    Back one day and already have a fag desperate to be owned 😂
    Dec 30 '22
    oldfagforuse likes this
  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom moved up to a new position on the Pantheon


    Someone has overtaken this position since this post

    Moved up from position 801

    Click here to find out how to increase your Pantheon position
    Dec 2 '22
    Phranklin likes this
  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on Chubmaster001's poll
    Recently my cashfag told me that he was in love with me. Should a fag be in love with his owner or should it be purley about service?
    A good fag should love his owner
    (31 votes 45%)
    Love is nice but not needed for a Dom/fag relationship
    (36 votes 52%)
    Love is not good for a Dom/fag relationship
    (2 votes 3%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 69
    Nov 16 '22
    It’s very natural for faggots to fall in love with their masters. It can even highlight the power differential
    Nov 16 '22
    It agrees with Master Hadrian but a faggot should never expect it’s Master to reciprocate the love. The faggot has a job to enhance its masters life and can be dismissed at any time if it’s service is not as expected.
    Nov 18 '22
    as for everything; every one & every relation is different. I believe that all subs admire their Master(s) otherwise why submit and serve him! So indirectly, yes a sub "loves" his Masters but it's not like in a romantic relationship. unless being in a love relationship with a Master:-)as for everything; every one & every relation is different. I believe that all subs admire their Master(s) otherwise why submit and serve him! So indirectly, yes a sub "loves" his Masters but it's not...See more
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on Slave's poll
    Should the Lazy Lounge (Chat Room) be a place for the following discussions:
    A place to chat about model railways, excursions, favourite food?
    (8 votes 15%)
    A place to chat about Service, Slavery, Findom?
    (28 votes 51%)
    A place to chat about how brilliant 'Slave' is?
    (11 votes 20%)
    A place to chat about how brilliant MasterOfAll is?
    (8 votes 15%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 55
    Sep 17 '22
    All of the above except fag praise
    Sep 17 '22
    Things are going too well for MasterOfAll. Appalling. But that's showbusiness...
    Oct 6 '22
    The answer is so obvious: 3 of course. There is no wrong time or wrong place to chat about how brilliant 'Slave' is! We all know MOA is fabulous but but some seem to forget how wonderful Slave is. It's only fair to remember that & not to forget it.
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom liked streetpig2's Tip tribute

    50 Tips (£5.00)

    Sent to HungBiDom
    Thank You
    Sep 7 '22
    HungBiDom and Phranklin like this
  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on enslaved's poll
    As a Master or slave what are your favourite way ways to £erve / be £erved)? tick & comment:-)
    sending tips or gifts while chating on the site chat or per private messaging on the site.
    (28 votes 33%)
    completing Targets sending or receving gifts & tips depending your position
    (17 votes 20%)
    one on one session on skype/ whatsapp or other chat with cam
    (15 votes 18%)
    live action on real meeting to give Master your wallet & what's his. For Sirs: take from the slave)
    (25 votes 29%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 85
    Jul 30 '22
    All of these are hot and yes it’s fun to be in the moment. However I do like targets and gifts because the slave has to make a real effort to complete these.
    Aug 1 '22
    All are hot, but ultimately for me it is getting the fags wallet and the fag watching me empty it in front of him and then he gets down on his knees, kisses my boots as a way to say thank you
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on Slave's poll
    👑 Masters ONLY please! How should a sub, slave, pup or fag address you? 👑
    (21 votes 29%)
    (39 votes 53%)
    (10 votes 14%)
    (3 votes 4%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 73
    Jul 25 '22
    Sir or Master. I'm not really picky about which you use, as long as you capitalize them to emphasize your respect
    Jul 25 '22
    I agree with Trigger. Sir as a default. Master for my property.
    Aug 16 '22
    Nothing like a bit of repeat business! 😊
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom liked MasterPete's status
    What the fuck is it with faggots that come online/skype/other to play and ask to pay but then tell you they don't have any way to pay. What's the F-ing point. Just a bunch of wankers.
    Jul 20 '22
    6 members like this
    Jul 20 '22
    Yes Cracker, I don't have a problem if someone is not a cashfaggot but if that is the case then don't offer. Or if your only a face to face cashfaggot then that is OK but make it clear.
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom commented on their status
    Got a fag coming to lick my sweaty balls clean after being out all day in this heat. It’s gonna have the time of its life.
    Jul 19 '22
    Phranklin likes this
    Jul 19 '22
    Yeah it’s tributing me don’t worry.
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom commented on their status
    Landlord wants to increase my rent by £200. They clearly think that we’re in some sort of FinDom relationship 🙄
    Jul 18 '22
    YellowBandit, Slave and Phranklin like this
    Jul 18 '22
    She’s an 80 year old woman in a nursing home. Stranger things have happened.
    Jul 18 '22
    So she says Sir! But at the weekends she's leather clad, with boots up to her sagging sweaty armpits, draining fags in the local alleyways. I betcha!
    Jul 18 '22
    Well if she wants 1600 a month out of me she better bring the decor of the flat out of the 1980s!
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on FootMasterUK's poll
    Should I unlock my fag on 1 December 2022 then re-lock him 1 January 2023???
    (43 votes 67%)
    (21 votes 33%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 64
    Jul 18 '22
    It'd be better to enter the New Year as you mean to go on, rather than locking after NYE.
    Jul 19 '22
    that is something you 2 should made up together. Locking & unlocking should always be something both Master & slave have agree together. you can not keep a slave against your will anyway and even if you could; would that be fun & bring any satiqfaction?that is something you 2 should made up together. Locking & unlocking should always be something both Master & slave have agree together. you can not keep a slave against your will anyway and even if y...See more
    Jul 20 '22
    Enslaved, I would NEVER keep my slave locked against his will or mine, I would do it so both parties have fun
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on FootMasterUK's poll
    How much longer should I keep my fag locked in chastity before letting him shoot his load
    Friday 22 July 2022
    (18 votes 31%)
    Thursday 27 October 2022
    (40 votes 69%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 58
    Jul 15 '22
    Then I know just tge ticket for you slave
    Jul 15 '22
    Never release it!!
    Jul 15 '22
    My sub does appreciate being locked up but he knows that it will be me who milks him
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom voted on Phranklin's poll
    Slaves: how should you be referred to?
    (12 votes 13%)
    (5 votes 5%)
    (59 votes 65%)
    (15 votes 16%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 91
    Jul 17 '22
    I prefer "cunt". Don't know why, really, it just comes natural.
    Sep 1 '22
    We have no say, As it should be!!
    Aug 31 '23
    slaves are slaves - what they are called depends on what makes em twitch into delivering
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  • HungBiDom
    HungBiDom uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    It’s real ripe fags. Go on. Take a sniff. Makes your mind go empty doesn’t it. Don’t worry just take a deeper sniff. Maybe even a lick 😈
    Jul 14 '22
    YellowBandit likes this
  • HungBiDom
    Had a threesome last night, the other top was so mesmerised by my cock I ended up fucking them both.
    Jul 11 '22
    cynic likes this
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