

🕑 Last online: May 18


🕝 Last online May 18

37 years old, sub, Bisexual
United States United States, United States, United States
Joined Jul 2 '22

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Findom, Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Friendship, Whatever

6' 0.4" / 184cm
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12 UK / 47  EU /  13 US
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost voted on Slave's poll
    What makes a GREAT Master? You can ONLY choose ONE option! Decisions, decisions...
    Good looks and sex appeal 💪
    (7 votes 11%)
    Care, commitment and compassion 👼
    (50 votes 76%)
    Regular use of a middle finger 👆
    (2 votes 3%)
    Demands for Tips and TIPS and more TIPS 💸
    (7 votes 11%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 66
    Jul 23 '22
    I don't see the correct answer in the options! A master has all these qualities together and that does not make him a great master, that goes further, it is essence, it is dynamic, it is personality, with its own criteria, integral and intellectual growth and development; masters are multifaceted, we can be aggressive and polite, abusive and compassionate, the perfect thing is that we are all different, all masters on this site are great!I don't see the correct answer in the options! A master has all these qualities together and that does not make him a great master, that goes further, it is essence, it is dynamic, it is personality, ...See more
    Jul 23 '22
    Not sure that the use of the middle finger is a big asset, although I won’t deny I can occasionally be efficient.
    Jul 23 '22
    it** (can be efficient)
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost commented on their target
    Jul 18 '22
    4 members like this
    Jul 18 '22
    Thank you so much Sir!
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    20 Tips (£2.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 11
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    50 Tips (£5.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 10
    Jul 18 '22
    SimX and Sexy_Superman like this
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    40 Tips (£4.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 9
    Jul 18 '22
    SimX and Sexy_Superman like this
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    100 Tips (£10.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 8
    Jul 18 '22
    Sexy_Superman likes this
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    100 Tips (£10.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 7
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    20 Tips (£2.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 4
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    40 Tips (£4.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 3
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    20 Tips (£2.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Edge 2
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    50 Tips (£5.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    First edge
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost sent some Tips

    50 Tips (£5.00)

    Sent to deleted-user
    Jul 15 '22
    Phranklin likes this
  • ItWillJustGetLost
    How much longer should I keep my fag locked in chastity before letting him shoot his load
    Friday 22 July 2022
    (18 votes 31%)
    Thursday 27 October 2022
    (40 votes 69%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 58
    Jul 15 '22
    Then I know just tge ticket for you slave
    Jul 15 '22
    Never release it!!
    Jul 15 '22
    My sub does appreciate being locked up but he knows that it will be me who milks him
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost voted on Phranklin's poll
    Slaves: how should you be referred to?
    (12 votes 13%)
    (5 votes 5%)
    (59 votes 65%)
    (15 votes 16%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 91
    Jul 17 '22
    I prefer "cunt". Don't know why, really, it just comes natural.
    Sep 1 '22
    We have no say, As it should be!!
    Aug 31 '23
    slaves are slaves - what they are called depends on what makes em twitch into delivering
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost added towards loserfag's Pillory tax total

    Tickled her lil micro clit and she is back needy n hungry to be invaded. Relapsed d***k turd whore is craving hard humiliation, put the cunt in her place, fist her cash cunt men & fags!

    Tax paid to: Kingofslav
    Tax per like: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1080 Tips (£108.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Jul 9 '22
    9 members like this
    Jul 9 '22
    Cunt is drippy
    Jul 9 '22
    pay up tag
    Jul 9 '22
    Haha sissy fuck, jump in too
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    Once upon the time I was usually drain one pathetic faggo. That worm kicks me out to find “something better” and now he came in my DM now saying the I’m the best mocking him up.
    What he needs?
    Be blocked
    (3 votes 14%)
    Pay a big fee to get attention
    (12 votes 55%)
    Get drained until into debt
    (7 votes 32%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 22
    Jul 7 '22
    Great job letting them know your weakness for who really understands your needs. Prove to them your regrets in running out for something small and worthless and how much you need your master back.
    Jul 7 '22
    The grass is rarely greener on the other side, unless the neighbour has astro turf 🌼
    Jul 7 '22
    The neighbour was a failure
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost added towards Braun82's Pillory tax total

    Previllge to feed you with my s**t and piss.... Feel it nasty and disgusting to eat s**t but no choice sick boy

    Tax paid to: niggablk
    Tax per like: 20 Tips (£2.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 660 Tips (£66.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Jul 5 '22
    11 members like this
    Jul 5 '22
    Jul 5 '22
    Flying 💷💷💷 no need to buy toilet 📜 scum mouth 👄 wide open to receive
    Jul 5 '22
    Not bad - but could still be better
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost liked Slave's status
    🚀🎉🥳 📢 Happy Independence Day to ALL the wonderful Americans, both Masters and subs. So, you didn't like the tea and kicked us out, we were having a bad day, but it's not too late to come home to brilliant Britain, we LOVE you! 🎈😍🥂✨
    Jul 4 '22
    4 members like this
    Jul 4 '22
    I’ve actually gone to america to retake the country. I’ve decided to start with the fag population of Buffalo 😉
    Jul 4 '22
    I still own an American too 👍🏻😂
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost voted on cynic's poll
    Should Masters be able to sell their owned slaves to another Master, creating a real "slave market"?
    Yes, always.
    (82 votes 53%)
    Yes, but only with the slave's consent
    (64 votes 41%)
    No, never.
    (10 votes 6%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 156
    Jul 5 '22
    Maybe then there's an appetite for a 'slave market'?
    Jul 6 '22
    I'd be curious how this vote looked if you polled slaves and masters seperately.
    Jan 24 '23
    This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves when the poll took place, then the number of votes for option 2 above could potentially be as high as 1.5 x 64 = 96 (assuming that all slaves would want a say in their transfer, which I suspect isn't the case at all!) and this clearly changes the result considerably.This is a really interesting poll. But, because of the very significant Master/slave imbalance on OF the result above is not really a valid one. If, as today, there were 50% more Masters than slaves w...See more
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  • ItWillJustGetLost
    ItWillJustGetLost commented on their target
    Jul 3 '22
    rip the bandaid off
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