User blogs

Some musings
Posted by cashdrainer

Well end of the year, but it has been a good one, I am so very proud of MY bois and their $ervice to ME over the past 12 months, some come and some go, some get wandering eyes and most return. I feel fortunate with the bois I own and this is replicated by their loyalty and $ervitude.
Like most scenes loyalty is important and MY stable is filled with loyalty, at times it may waver but to the core they are loyal and well rewarded for their efforts.

It is also great to have met some new Master guys this year on here, some very genuine ones too who I will continue to encourage where possible.

There is unfortunately some lesser "mortals" who are as low as a snakes belly and have the backbone of an anaconda but hey live and let live, one thing I am is genuine and loyal to people and will always do right by people where I can.

Here's to a new year with those that matter and wishing you all the best

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