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Defining s********n and Servitude
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

It's been a while since I've posted something here. Today, we're discussing s********n and servitude.

First, let's define them:

s********n: the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a Superior F*rce or to the will or authority of Another.
Servitude: the state of being a slave or completely subject to Someone more powerful.

Now, there are plenty of kink spaces. In them, you can explore deviant bottom acts, without serving submissively.

If you are here, you are here to serve. Look at the website name. Read its description. 

This is about pleasing Alpha Masters.

When you act entitled, whine, complain, lie, run, and cheat: you are not submissive. 

Nor are you servile. No, you're just vile.

Submissive servitude is very simple, but it is not easy. Simple and easy are not the same thing.

It is simple in that if you follow a single maxim, you will thrive: please your Master, always.

It is not easy, because after the first rush fades, you have a choice: regress to selfish stupidity, or flourish.

A recent failure of Mine is now in the dungeon for a second time. Hopefully, it will read this and learn. Doubtful.

To My better pets, and the useful submissives other Alphas here own proudly: continue.

It's a simple definition, yet not easy to manifest. But when it does come to be: submissive servitude is bliss.

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