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The Luxury of Being Dominated
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

by DorianTheAlpha

There is a strange, skewed perspective of domination, in particular financial domination. Many slaves will approach to lead with their kinks. They will tell you all about what turns them on, what their hard limits are, their past injustices and why that makes them unable to trust the ever-perilous threat of Masters that mistreat them.

A common refrain is: "you want Me to send Sir? But W/we've barely spoken."

Now, I will always speak to curious souls. Some slaves are new. Some are unaware of how to approach. Some are just timid. But if after a short exchange, there's little sign they intend to tip, tribute, or otherwise strive to please Me, then I demand it. And generally, this is when the pretenders vanish. Every. Single. Time.

This post is for you, pretenders. The liars, the beggars, the toxic vile vermin that infect the purity of findom.

You do not get to own a Ferrari to pay for it when you like. You don't get to wear a Patek and send them a check when it suits you. You don't move into a seaside mansion and put off your mortgage indefinitely.

Serving an Alpha isn't just a luxury: it is the ultimate luxury. Financial s********n is a gift an Alpha gives you.

Sending Me the money that is rightfully Mine *is* your reward, slave.

So, let U/us here and now stamp out the fallacy that you deserve attention from a Superior Male because of any of the following:

- Uncertainty or curiosity

- Insecurity or past wounds

- Prior mistreatment

- Lack of finances / having being ruined

- Lack of interest in findom

- Servitude to another Master

- The list goes on...

As a slave, you are responsible to educate yourself about findom.

As a slave, you are expected to be able to serve financially, unless your Master explicitly states otherwise.

As a slave, you are required to please your Master first and foremost, however He chooses.

As a slave, you are accountable to understand that your Master allows you the blissful gift of His existence.

As a slave, you are indebted to your Alpha merely by the virtue of serving him. Tribute merits nothing.

As a slave, you are property. It is your choice to be a slave; and it is your purpose as such to be His property.

Understand the choices you make, and adhere to your commitments. Both you and He are allowed your limits. Findom is a choice. When you make it, do not flake and do not flounder. Follow through.

Let us end on a constructive note: follow these guidelines to please your Alpha, and live truthfully in s********n.

1. Do not say that you will send. Send, and then say that you have. Act first, then speak.

2. Do not approach an Alpha leading with your interests. He is above you. Pleasing him is all that matters. Do so, and maybe he will reward you by considering your own interests. That is the true nature of s********n to Another.

3. Do not victimize yourself. There will always be those who hold exception with this post. Slaves here have done so to My words in the past. This is not ironclad; it is a guide. Follow it, or ignore it and resign yourself to the sad lie that you are actually a "slave" — you are the opposite. 

I recognize part of this post are strongly worded. Findom is a place of strong words, and emotions. If you are offended by this, you are likely guilty of what it puts forth. If You are nodding along, you likely know what I'm talking about, and have suffered through your fair share of vermin too.

Be better, for Him. 

For Me.

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