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Another lose to the lockdown
Posted by MasterPete

Don't wary if you wanted to read A or B or Both, they are cumming but first I feel I have to share this.

In the last week I have been having a Private Messages with a faggot saidly seems to be no longer on this site.  He was getting very keen on comming for a tril faggot holiday.  Shared some wishes with me including wantting/needing to be beaten twice a day, being locked in a cupboard for 24 hours with out food with just my boots to clean, after 24 hours being offered food or boots for another 24.  I modified this to be more realistic checking on the faggot every 2 hours and providing water.  Faggots tend to let there fantasies get out of control and I as a Master feel it is my place to keep that in cheek.  This was to be the start of a trial may be leading to becoming permanent.   Yer, yer, yer I'v heard it all before.  Sir I will sign a contract, Sir I will............. and so on. 

Any way IT then asked tell me when and I will book a flight.      I looked at the Greek info on lockdown and found they are not letting any one from the US into Greece.  I sent him a link to the USEmbassy in Greece witch has all the Covid-19 info needed to make plans.  IT sends me just two words "I understand", later I loged in to send a reply and guess what.........Yep you guessed it the account is no more.

Wanker, timewaster, wanker.

Look faggots if you just want stuff to wank over then get lost.  If you want a real connection get over that I am not you Mr Perfect and send a PM.
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