User blogs

s********n begins with selflessness
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

It interesting given My newness on this website. There seems to be so many "submissives" who open dialogues with their wants, their kinks, their terms and demands. And so, let U/us discuss today the most fundamental tenet of s********n:


For Myself and Many here, being an Alpha is a natural state of dominance, domination, supremacy, and control in pursuit of Our pleasures. That is the nature of being an Alpha and Cashmaster. In contrast, so many submissives here are entitled. Not partially; entirely entitled. Maybe that's a generational cause, or some nurtured symptom of this specific community here. Whatever the reason, it is fallacious, toxic, and simply wrong.

A submissive aims to please his Master. A good submissive pleases his Master, consistently. A great submissive knows how to please his Master and does so without being told, consistently. An outstanding submissive takes that proactive knowledge to find new ways of pleasing his Master without his Master having to lift a finger. Growth in s********n that blossoms over time as B/both explore in their D/s power dynamic.

And so, to conclude, a small tip for any slaves seeking to approach Dominants here, especially Findoms such as Myself. Tip first. Then speak, selflessly. Lead with action, then profess submissive intention. I wager you would be hard pressed to find an Alpha here who disagrees. This is basic stuff, pets. Do better, and rightfully put your Alpha first. 


How to Grow in s********n: Saving, Earning, Selling, Sending.
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

by DorianTheAlpha

Now, I will preface in saying this is My opinion, though one I know it is shared across hundreds of Superiors. That said, you may well find a Master that views s********n differently than I describe here. If so, I weep for you because you'll never know the bliss of true sacrifice to serve your Master's pleasure.

Let's begin by listing off the excuses so many pretenders enjoy bleating to Masters Who've heard these tired lines a thousand times before:

- i am student/jobless right now, but i can serve You in other ways.

- i want to send to You, but i need to trust You first.

- i might be open to sending, but financial domination is not My primrary kink.

- i was mistreated by a previous Alpha, i need to recover before i can worship You.

- i have no money to send, but i can be Your promo/task slave.

If this is you: you are the worst kind of wasted space in findom and kink as a whole. These aren't reasons; they're excuses. Do better. Redefine yourself to serve His pleasure first and solely.

There are countless others, equally transparent, equally boring, equally self-branding "block me: i'm a waste of time".

This article is meant as instruction, and as motivation. Like all habits, starting with a few easy steps will lead to  undertaking the harder ones. In time, you can be the best slave you can be by incorporating all of these and more. Internalize the spirit of these habits to truly devote the entirety of yourself to your Master.

1. Work harder, smarter, longer. 

Secure a raise or bonus? That portion goes to your Master. Great night of tips? Those are Alpha's. Win a payout, lottery, jackpot, raffle, contest? Guess whose: your Owner, silly pet. Get a second job, or third, gigging: Uber, tutoring. Suck cock if you can get paid for guzzling cum in your Master's name. Be creative, and proactive.

2. Cut back on luxuries and indulgences. 

Don't buy meals out. Meal prep, and make that coffee/tea at home. Skip the steak, and eat chicken or beans. Fast intermittently if your health allows it. d***k less, or not at all. Only Alpha Men consume fine spirits; you get hooch if anything. Forget about tobacco, weed, parties: they are revelries for Superior Males. Designer labels, latest tech, new toys of any kind... these have no place in a cash slave's world.

3. Simplify your lifestyle.

Forget the Uber: walk, bike or commute. Don't bother with a flagship smartphone when a budget model will do. Take cold showers and reduce your heating/AC to send your Master those savings. Workout? Cancel that gym membership, and go train outside. Sell your appliances and wash your dishes and/or clothes by hand. Which leads Me too...

4. Sell your valuables.

Collectibles: magazines, comic books, video games, watches, vintage items, etc. Jewelry, needless gadgets, vehicles, sex toys (looking at you sissies). Anything you are guilty of from #2, sell — that's a simple starting point. What feels more right: you owning $1,000+ of superficial goods you could do without, or placing that cash into your Master's powerful hands, where it belongs?

I have likely missed ideas here. What matters is starting small, being accountable to improve through sacrifice, communicating your commitments to your Master, and most or all: sending as soon as you have cash to do so. The longer your Master's money stays with you, the lazier you are being, slave.

Read, act, send. Or pretend that you are already doing "enough" for your Alpha, as if that is even possible.

We always deserve more...

Silent s********n: A Findom Short
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

Silent s********n, A Findom Short

I round the corner... and it's frozen. Locking eyes, overcome by the sheer presence. Their mind melts into Me. Then and there, innately: s********n. Nothing more than a gaze. Overwhelmed by the moment, silent steps take us to a nearby ATM. Only the wind's whistle cuts the quiet, until buttons begin to click. The machine’s wheels sputter hundreds from a slot into kneeling hands... then into Mine. A knowing grin glows against a newly-lit cigar as I feel the grip of domination take hold. Counting out as it's handed to Me, a thick and burning ash builds. Smoke billows around us as the machine slows. Silence once more. Submissive lips kiss each leather boot as a pitiful tongue cleans them carefully in desperate gratitude. Through the toe caps, I can feel the trembling in each lick. Stolid, I tower over My new property. It’s all so easy. Effortless. And as I ash into a begging gaping mouth, I turn to go with thousands anew. In the distance, the faintest whimpering... “Thank you, Master.” 

Just as every Alpha deserves. 

Bring it to life, betas.

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